Energy efficient ventilation of dwellings

This project takes stock of experiences with often used ventilation systems for new housing with regard to energy efficiency, indoor climate, comfort, operation and maintenance and also assesses the possbilities of improving the energy efficiency of the systems.

Project description

The purpose of the project is to investigate the possibilities of reducing the energy consumption connected to ventilation of new dwellings. In new dwellings the heat loss through the building envelope has been reduced considerably. there is a need for a corresponding development of ventilation systems in order to be able to reduce the energy consumption and achieve a good indoor climate. The project is central to the continued development of low-energy houses and to the demands that will be set for new buildings in year 2000 e.g. in new building regulations. The investigation will consist of a study and evaluation of current knowledge on energy-efficient ventilation systems and analyses of the possibilities for developing or improving ventilation systems in order to achieve the lowest possible heating energy consumption without or with limited electrical energy consumption. Among others, the following ventilation systems will be investigated: natural ventilation, fan-assisted natural ventilation, mechanical exhaust and balanced mechanical ventilation plus combinations with heat recovery and heat pumps. The project will be followed up by a development- and demonstration project wherein the most promising systems will be further developed in cooperation with manufacturers and tested in experimental buildings


In new housing heat loss through the building envelope is reduced significantly i.a. through stricter requirements in the Danish Building Regulations. Today heat consumption for ventilation therefore often constitutes an important part of the total heat consumption for space heating in new housing. In addition to this there might be electricity consumption for operating fans. This project takes stock of experiences with often used ventilation systems for new housing with regard to energy efficiency, indoor climate, comfort, operation and maintenance and also assesses the possbilities of improving the energy efficiency of the systems. As a part of the analyses a technical round-table discussion was held with participation of persons with particular insight into this field. Based on this round-table discussion it was concluded that ventilation in housing often presents problems. Problems related to low user accessibility, lack of maintenance and noise seem to be most prevalent for complicated mechanical systems. Based on knowledge and experience of different domestic ventilation systems from the round-table discussion and a literature review, the gross energy consumption for ventilation was calculated for different ventilation systems and the possibilities of improving systems and reducing energy consumption were analysed. It was decided to concentrate the analyses on systems such as fan-assisted natural ventilation, mechanical exhaust and balanced mechanical ventilation with heat recovery. When all investigated ventilation systems are considered, calculations show a dominating correlation between energy consumption for ventilation and the average outdoor air change rate during the heating season. This connection will often have greater significance for the energy consumption than a specific choice of ventilation system

Key figures

1996 - 1997
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.86 mio. DKK
0.42 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
33 %
Project budget:
1.28 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Energieffektiv boligventilation
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.


Aalborg Universitet (Fredrik Bajers Vej) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Aggerholm, Søren
Comtact information
Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut. Afdelingen for Energi og Indeklima
Postbox 119
DK-2970 Hørsholm, Denmark
Tolstrup, Anders B. (forsker); Projektleder: Aggerholm, Søren , 42865533,
Øvr. Partnere: