Utilization of integrated computer systems for energy and indoor climate in design practice

 In the project, the consulting engineering companies Carl Bro A/S and Birch og Krogboe A/S have tested a prototype of SBI's integrated computer system for analyzing the energy and indoor climte conditions in two building projects.

Project description

The Danish Building Research Institute (SBI) is about to complete the development of and integrated computer system for energy and indoor climate analyses and will then incorporate the system in design practice. The aim of this project is to demonstrate how the integrated computer is able to promote a rational use of advanced energy simulation tools and help architects and engineers consider energy related aspects when they design buildings. The project should clarify how an integrated building design system is able to intensify the cooperation between architect and engineer during the early phase of building design. It will be demonstrated how this, in terms of energy aspects, can lead to the optimal solution for a building under development. The project will be carried out by two groups of architects and engineers who will use the new system in two particular building design projects. SBI leads the project and supervises the companies' use of the system. Furthermore, SBI will carry out improvements and additions to the sysem as necessary


In an integrated computer system, different design tools like energy simulation and CAD programmes can cooperate, and this gives architects and engineers and improved tool for cooperation. By using such a tool, the architect will be able to analyze the energy and indoor climate conditions in a new building early in the design process. At the same time the work will be more rational and safe because the building data can be provided automatically from the CAD drawings. In total, it will be possible to evaluate different architectural and technical solutions for new buildings as well as retrofit in order to obtain an optimal building design from a energy point of view. In the project, the consulting engineering companies Carl Bro A/S and Birch og Krogboe A/S have tested a prototype of SBI's integrated computer system for analyzing the energy and indoor climte conditions in two building projects. In connection with the testing, the integerated system was modified and improved as to make it more suitable for the working habits of the consulting engineers and architects, and to make it faster and more safe to build up the models in the integrated system. The two tests show that an integrated system is a good tool for discussing the pros and cons of different solutions early in the design process with the building owner, and to improve the corporation between architects and engineers during the design process

Key figures

1996 - 2000
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.36 mio. DKK
1.09 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
75 %
Project budget:
1.45 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Anvendelse af integrerede edb-systemer for energi og indeklima i projekteringspraksis
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.


Aalborg Universitet (Fredrik Bajers Vej) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing


Grau, Karl
Comtact information
Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut. Afdelinge for Energi og Indeklima
Postboks 119
DK-2970 Hørsholm, Denmark
Rode, Carsten (seniorforsker); Projektleder: Grau, Karl (seniroforsker), 42865533, car@sbi.dk
Øvr. Partnere: Birch og Krogboe A/S; Carl Bro Byg A/S