Development of an accelerated test method for prediction of long term behaviour of thermal conductivity for preinsulated district heating pipes

During the project two testing methods have been prepared and the one has been presented for CEN/TC107/WG3, which is the work group in the European standardisation organisation that deals with thermal conductivity in district heating pipes.

Project description

The results from the ongoing projects 'Long term behaviour of insulation properties of cellular plastic' and 'Determination of gas diffusion constants and thermal conductivity of district heating pipes' show that the thermal conductivity in CFC-free cellular plastics can increase from 31.3 mW/mK to 39.2 mW/mK or about 25% during a period of 10 years. Results to date show a good correlation between the theoretical model, which relates changes in thermal conductivity with time and temperature, as well as results achieved for indissoluble gases. Hence, it seems possible to develop an accelerated test method to predict changes in long term insulation properties behaviour


The method is describe below. Method - 1. Celluar gas composition is measured in 4 pre-insulated pipes d/D 60.3/125. 2. The pipes are sealed at the ends so that there is no diffusion. 3. The pipes are aged at 90 deg. C. 4. Thermal conductivity is measured after 0, 7, 14, 28, 56, 112, 225, 440 and 550 days. 5. Cellular gas composition is measured. Result - 1. Thermal conductivity is plotted in a diagram as a function of time. 2. A line is drawn parallel to the abscissa cutting the graph in such a way that the area below the line and above the graph is equal to the area above the line and below the graph. 3. At the point where the line cuts the ordinate, the long-term insulating property is read. 4. The result is stated as the average of 4 measurements. 5. Gas composition before and after the measurement is reported. Preconditions - 1. Only CO2, O2 and N2 diffuse through the casing pipe. 2. The partial pressure of cyclopentane in the foam is not changed with time. 3. The activation energy for the permeability of O2 through HDPE with a density of 944 kg/m3 is 38J/mole. This results in an ageing factor of 20. 4. The activation energy for the permeability of CO2 and N2 corresponds to that of oxygen. 5. The activation energy is constant in the range 25 - 90 deg. C

Key figures

1997 - 1999
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.34 mio. DKK
0.39 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
54 %
Project budget:
0.73 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Udvikling af målemetoder til hurtig bestemmelse af langtidsisoleringsevnen for præisolerede fjernvarmerør ved accelereret prøvning
Project type
Case no.


Teknologisk Institut (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Tarco Energi A/S


Smidt, Henning D.
Comtact information

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