The results of the project indicate that it will be possibel within a few years to build a highly insulated glazed building envelope. It was however not possible within the schedule of this project.

Project description

The objective of this project is to develop 3 innovative components and test them in officeVISION. These components are designed to contribute with a significant energy conservation in a number of different building designs: The 3 components are: 1) Multifunctional highly insulated translucent photovoltaic component, producing electricity and simultaneously regulating daylight and passive solar without mechanical controls. 2) Multifunctional building envelope fitting for mounting evacuated glazing/photovoltaics without thermal bridges and integrating grid connection for photovoltaics, light control and devices for opening the windows. 3) Flexible membrane for insulation without thermal bridges which at the same time provides acoustic regulation. Calculations show that officeVISION with these components will be energy producing, at that embodied energy will be paid back within 6 month. The two first task are supported from the EU/JOULE programme and has industrial participation. The last task is new developed within EFP 97 project


Among the interesting results of the project is: 1) A completely new photovoltaic module with focusing lenses integrated in the cover glass. This product is under further development by the involved industry. 2) New design concept for glazing with overlap eliminating thermal bridges has been successfully tested. 3) Development and test of a decentralised house automation system in collaboration with B and O was initiated from this project. 4) Development of PEC (Grätzel) photovoltaics was conceived within this framework. 5) A future research project, 'building envelope 2030' was conceived within this framework. 6) A lot of knowledge was gained concering fully glazed buildings. 7) We became aware of the heat storage capacity of thick laminated glazing is considerable. 8) Low emission coating on the inner glass towards the cavity of highly insulating glazing has a significant impact on overheating, as the solar heat is generated inside the insulation. 9) Heating convectors are better than floor heating in fully glazed buildings, as they prevent down draught. 10) Occupant should be shaded form direct sunlight to avoid discomfort. 11) A number of innovative membrane solutions was designed. 12) Evaluation of the importance of thermal bridges in different glazing systems. 13) Development of concepts for creativity rooms

Key figures

1998 - 2000
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
2.43 mio. DKK
1.25 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
19 %
Project budget:
6.63 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Energy efficiency
Project type
Internationalt - ikke IEA
Case no.


Teknologisk Institut (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Skanska Öresund (Sweden)
VEGLA (Germany)


Moltke, Ivar
Comtact information
Teknologisk Institut. Energi
P.O. Box 141
DK-2630 Taastrup, Denmark
Moltke, Ivar , 43504550,
Øvr. Partnere: Skanska Öresund (Sweden); Saint Gobain Vitrage (France); VEGLA (Germany)