GHP gas turbine fuelled directly by a biomass gasifier

The project was focused on the development of technically and commercially viable small (5 to 250 kWe) combined heat and power (CHP) plants involving a gas turbine fired directly by a pressurised biomass-fuelled gasifier followed by a cyclone combustor.

Project description

Overall Objective: A small (40 kWE) experimental facility comprising a gas turbine (GT) fired directly by a pressurised biomass-fuelled grate gasifier coupled to a cyclone combustor, will be designed and assembled. This will be representative og technology for the range 5-250 kWe. A succesful outcome to the project will allow a pre-production prototype Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant to be developed. Turbine deposition will be minimised by control of gasifier and combustor operating parameters, supported by 3-D modelling of particulate flows. A control system capable of handling rapid transients will be developed and tested on a linear plant simulation model. Specific objectives: The prime objectives are to establish the deposition, corrosion and performance parameters for a range of biomass fuels, define permissible operating temperatures (and hence efficiencies), develop a partical plant control system and produce an outline design for a pre-production prototype plant capable of sustained economic operation. The choice of biomass fuel is open but will be based on the use of clean prepared wood which is expected to be the most benign, both from the point of view of ash quantily and chemical content. The specific objective targeted for the experimental facility and for this project are:- 1) Turbine inlet temperature: 850 deg. C, exhaust heat: 600 deg. C. 2) Gasifier/combustor pressure of 3 bar(a) with gas leakage less than 2%. 3) Operation with four wood based fuels. 4) Whole plant control system capable of coping with transient and fault conditions (load disconnections etc.). 5) Less than 10 ppm particulates of maximum size 5 micron turbine entry. 6) Alkali content in the gas stream


Direct-fired systems avoid the complexity and cost of sophisticated heat exchangers and offer a strong opportunity for commercial exploitation. The project aimed to take state-of-the-art combustor technology and advance it with the aid of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling so that the gas stream entering the turbine contains less than 1 ppm alkali and 10 ppm particulates of a maximum size of 5 microns. Planned turbine inlet and exhaust temperatures were 850 and 600 deg. C respectively; gasifier/combustor pressur 3 bar(a) with gas leakage

Key figures

1997 - 1999
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.32 mio. DKK
1.07 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
35 %
Project budget:
3.05 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Gasturbine kraftvarmeanlæg fyret fra ristebaseret biomasseforgasser
Bio and waste
Project type
Case no.


dk-TEKNIK (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Dan Trim A/S


Astrupgaard, Nils Peter
Comtact information
dk-TEKNIK. Afdelingen for Energi- og Procesoptimering
Gladsaxe Møllevej 15
DK-2860 Søborg, Denmark
Astrupgaard, Nils Peter (chefkonsulent), 39696511,
Øvr. Partnere: Dan Trim A/S; Inventor ApS; NESA A/S. Udviklingsafdelingen