Cost optimizing of large-scale offshore wind farms

It is the aim of the project: 1) To supplement the existing offshore wind data base, by setting up offshore meteorological measurements significantly further away from the coast than previously and thereby developing a base of necessary wind data for large scale offshore wind farms at potential sites in Danish waters.

Project description

2) To use the achieved data base for comparison and improvement of existing models to provide a more accurate description of the offshore wind conditions (less than 10% uncertainty on cost estimates). 3) To optimize the foundation design with respect to the design loads and geotechnical conditions and large-scale production, and to minimize the construction cost. 4) To in vestigate the options for optimizing the use of materials, and thus the cost, for offshore wind turbines with respect to the reduced turbulence level and remoteness of the sites. 5) To optimize the design of large wind turbines (>= 1 MW) in large wind farms (more than 100 wind turbines) in respect to serviceability, thereby minimizing the power production costs. 6) To optimize the grid connection design with respect to the design loads, geotechnical conditions and large-scale production, and to minimize the construction costs. 7) To contribute to the existing base of know-how concerning offshore wind farms by dissemination of results within the European Community

Key figures

1996 - 1999
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
4.56 mio. DKK
3.60 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
23 %
Project budget:
15.76 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Tekniske og økonomiske forundersøgelser til stor-skala havmølle projekter
Project type
Case no.


Energinet (Main Responsible)


Olsen, Frank A.
Comtact information
Elkraft A.m.b.A.. Decentrale Energianlæg
Lautruphøj 5
DK-2750 Ballerup, Denmark
Olsen, Frank A. (sektionschef), 39473947,
Øvr. Partnere: SK Energi; NIRAS A/S; Forskningscenter Risø. Prøvestationen for Vindmøller; Stadtwerke Rostock AG; National Wind Power Ltd.; Madrid Polytecnical University