Energy-conscious retrofit of the thermal envelope in existing apartment buildings, participation in the EU-project EPIQR (Energy Performance, Indoor Environment Quality Retrofit)

The EPIQR (Energy Performance, Indoor environment Quality Retrofit) method makes it possible systematically to include analyses of cost and energy savings in the early phases of a renovation project.

Project description

The EPIQR (Energy Performance, Indoor Environment Quality Retrofit) method is 'A Cost Predictive European Retrofitting Evaluation Method for Improving the Energy Performance and the Indoor Environment of Existing Apartment Buildings'. The main objective of the project is the development of a computer-based multi-media evaluation tool, aiming to access information on retrofitting needs, and the costs and planning of activities to meet these needs with respect to the optimisation of energy conservation, the use of renewable (solar) energy and the improvement of the indoor environment. In order to make a decision to proceed with any project of retrofitting or refurbishment of existing buildings, there is a need for a brief but reliable report describing the current state of the building and giving good estimate of the cost of the various work to be done. The same report should also give data on possible energy savings (and ways to achieve them) and possible indoor quality improvements. Building owners will not invest in detailed cost estimates until a decision to proceed has been taken, but without some sort of estimate no decision will be taken. The project will follow the dynamics in the planning of the EU-project


The method has been compiled into a multimedia tool, that can be used to register the physical state of the building and give an estimate of the costs connection to a retrofit or refurbishment plus the potential energy savings. The program, including the databases, and the user's guide have been developed in national language- and cost-versions of each of the participating countries: United Kingdom, France, Denmark, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands and Switzerland. Using the EPIQR program, architects and engineers can analyse the costs, the potential energy savings and the effects on the indoor environment in the earliest phases of a renovation project. It must be anticipated that the use of EPIQR will lead to increase in focus on energy savings in renovated blocks of flats, without decreasing the demands to architecture, indoor environment and economy

Key figures

1996 - 1998
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.93 mio. DKK
0.54 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
37 %
Project budget:
1.47 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Energiteknisk renovering af etageboligers klimaskærm, deltagelse i EU-projektet EPIQR
Energy efficiency
Project type
Internationalt - ikke IEA
Case no.


Aalborg Universitet (Fredrik Bajers Vej) (Main Responsible)


Wittchen, Kim B.
Comtact information
Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut. Afdelingen for Energi og Indeklima
Postbox 119
DK-2970 Hørsholm, Denmark
Wittchen, Kim B. (,seniorforsker), 42865533,
Øvr. Partnere: Building Research Establishment; (GB); Centre Sientifique et Technique du Batiment (FR); University of Athens. Dept of Applied Physics, (GR); TNO-Bouw. Dept. of Indoor Environment, (NL); Fraunhofer. Institut für Bauphysik (DE); Eco Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH)