New heat pump and solar heating

The project will demonstrate electricity regulation and reduction of the natural gas consumption on a natural gas fired CHP-plant. This is done by implementing a solar thermal plant in combination with a heat pump to an existing natural gas fired CHP-plant

The project will demonstrate a concept for district heating, consisting of solar and heat pumping in combination with a natural gas-fired district heating plants. The new plant consists of a 2,000 m2 solar heating system and a new type of heat pump (2.4 MW) using groundwater as a heat source, as assigned Rye CHP.
Project description

The aim of the project is a full scale demonstration of a combination of solar heat and heat pump together with an existing decentralised natural gas fired CHP-plant. Rye Kraftvarmeværk wants to demonstrate a new developed heat pump using ammonium as refrigerant in their system because it will have a higher COP than the heat pump using CO_2 as refrigerant for high return temperatures (more than 40 deg. C} and because it is frequency regulated and thus will be able to contribute with regulations to the electricity system. The results of the project are expected to be: 1) Design of an economical and technical optimised heat pump for district heating production replacing boiler produced heat in a 'traditional CHP-system'. The heat pump uses ammonium as refrigerant and ground water as heat source. 2) Demonstration of the concept solar, heat pump(s) using ground water, accumulation tank and natural gas fired CHP in full scale where the heat pump(s) run in the 2000 hours with lowest electricity prices and most wind electricity. 3) Measured results from the heat pump performance and the system performance. 4) Experiences with economical optimisation of the concept in the electricity market. 5) Experiences with velocity and capacity of electricity regulation. 6) Development of a future concept that can be replicated on natural gas fired (also the smallest) CHP­plants. 7) Future production of the heat pump in Denmark


The objective of the project is a full-scale demonstration of a combination of solar heat andheat pump together with an existing decentralised natural gas fired CHP-plant. The demonstration plant opened the 2nd of March 2015. During the project, the heat pump plant design was optimized to reach the best possible economical and technical solution for district heating production. The system performance was measured during the first year after initial operation and it shows good agreement with the design figures. Now the experience from the demonstration project is being used in the planning and implementation of ground
water based heat pump plants at other natural gas fired CHP-plants.

Key figures

2011 - 2015
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
13.60 mio. DKK
3.58 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
21 %
Project budget:
17.18 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Nyudviklet varmepumpe med solvarme
Project type
Case no.



PlanEnergi (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
PlanEnergi 0,45 mio. DKK 0,38 mio. DKK
RYE KRAFTVARMEVÆRK A.M.B.A. 2,97 mio. DKK 12,51 mio. DKK
Teknologisk Institut 0,17 mio. DKK 0,32 mio. DKK


Sørensen, Per Alex
Comtact information

Jyllandsgade 1
DK-9520 Skørping
Sørensen, Per Alex , 96820400,
Øvr. Partnere: Rye Kraftvarme; Johnson Controls; Teknologisk Institut