Biogas transmission grid

The project develops and demonstrates a new biogas infrastructure consisting of 35 km biogas grid, connectiong 5 farm biogas plants with Skjern Power Supply. This is the first stage in ''Ringkøbing Skjern model'' where large farms process manure locally - without any road transportation - and simply send biogas to local heat and power plants.

Project description

The project is the first step in ''Ringkøbing Skjern model'' connecting more biogas plants and transmitting raw biogas to several consumers in the municipality of Ringkoebing:Skjern. The work program involves planning: Agreements with suppliers and buyers, coordination with authorities, traces, invitation to constructors, development of new components, wells with sensor and pump technology, gas management system and communications and registration system.

The work program leads to establishment of agreements with contractors, starting to establish the grid in May 2012. Results will be used to demonstrate the principle and create foundation for further expansions of biogas transmission grid in Ringkoebing-Skjern in later phases including further ca. 200 km biogas grid. Finally, the results will be used to commercialize the concept through a new subsidiary - Bioenergy Vest innovation - in order to market biogas transmission grids including installations logistics and trade model both at the domestic and the export market

The project aim was to develop and demonstrate a new biogas infrastructure: 35 km biogas wire that connects the 5 farm-biogas plant with Skjern Fjernvarmeværk. The project was intended as the first step in the realization of the so-called '' Ringkøbing Skjern model '' in full scale, where large farms producing biogas locally and sends gas through pipelines to the local power plant. As a number of preconditions for implementation of the project is canceled is only just the initial phase of the project that got completed.

Key figures

2011 - 2016
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
2.12 mio. DKK
1.57 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
42 %
Project budget:
3.69 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Biogas Transmission Grid
Bio and waste
Project type
Case no.


BIOENERGI VEST A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
BIOENERGI VEST A/S 1,57 mio. DKK 2,12 mio. DKK


Lene Fibæk Hansen
Comtact information

Bioenergi Vest A/S
Rødkløvervej 4
DK-6950 Ringkøbing
Byberg, Lars , 29635444,
Øvr. Partnere: Planaction ApS; Blue Planet Innovation ApS; Rhode A/S; HMN Naturgas I/S. MidtNord

Contact email