Quality Requirements for SSL Lighting - IEA 4E SSL

The goal is to provide governments with the 'tools' to assess the performance of SSL sources with appropriate standards and test methods. 1. Quality: 1.1 Product definition categories. Key performance characteristics. Existing test methods and needs for new methods/standards; 1.2 Minimum performance values for energy efficiency, lighting quality, and safety; 1.3 Recommend product declaration marks certifying testing and public available testing values; 1.4 Life Cycle Analysis report based on available published material; 1.5 LED replacement lamp equivalency compared to incandescent lamps; 2. Data Sets of SSL performance: 2.1 Proposed test methods for testing the performance (identified in 1.1) based on improvement of existing standards (by IEC, CIE, ISO, …); 2.2 Round Robin test among 4 nucleus laboratories to validate the proposed test methods; 2.3 Round Robin test campaign by a panel of public, private and industry laboratories; 2.4 Results to 4E members, non 4E members and other stakeholders; 3. Standardization / Accreditation of laboratories: 3.1 Linking with existing standardization technical committees. Possible requests for upgrade and new international standards; 3.2 Possibility to coordinate international accreditation of test laboratories with a global architecture offering traceability of SSL worldwide; 3.3 Proposed recommendation for mutual recognition of accreditation programs for SSL testing

LED technology offers great potential for providing various types of lighting with significant energy savings and lower life cycle costs. A very large variation in the quality and performance of LEDs on the market can destroy consumer confidence LED and slow market penetration. Work under the IEA will supply tools and standards that can form the basis for policy and decisions.
Project description
Solid state lighting (SSL) shows large potential to provide future lighting services more efficiently than prevalent current technologies and at competitive lifetime costs. However, the wide variation in performance of SSL sources emerging in the market threatens consumer confidence in SSL lighting leading to a delay in market acceptance and slowing down penetration rates. The project will provide 'tools' to assess the performance of SSL sources and appropriate standards of performance that can be used by governments as the basis for policy measures to ensure the quality of SSL. This approach is aimed at avoiding the problems experienced with compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), where the lack of internationally accepted performance standards prior to their mass introduction and the poor performance of some products on the market jeopardized institutional efforts to promote this technology. The duration of the project is 4 years with participation of experts from SSL testing laboratories, lighting professionals experienced in lighting for buildings and outdoor applications, representatives from SSL industry and government agencies. The work is organized around half yearly two days meetings with an international operating agent and three leaders of task 1, 2 and 3

The project was successfully completed and efforts are now continued in EUDP project 64014-0117: Global LED Harmonisation (see //www.energiteknologi.dk/node/7887).

IEA SSL (Solid State Lighting) works worldwide harmonization of requirements for LED quality and performance, input to standardization through process standardization and comparative testing lyslaboratorier centered around core laboratories both in Europe, Japan, China and the United States, and worldwide uniform certification and accreditation of lyslaboratorier. The work can form the basis for political action by the participating governments.

There are prepared a final report documenting all findings and goals of the project are met including the seven nominated milestones:

1. Development of tools to ensure quality LED

2. Minimum requirements for energy efficiency, light quality, information on the packaging and safety

3. Comparative tests on the four core laboratories in Europe, Japan, China and the US

4. Life Cycle Analysis report

5. Description of new test methods and guidelines for comparative test centered on each of the four core laboratories

6. Report from the comparative test with the participation of over 110 laboratories from around the world

7. handling and preparation of accreditation of laboratories (including Denmark) communication with the national authorities for accreditation

Key figures

2011 - 2014
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.24 mio. DKK
0.72 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
75 %
Project budget:
0.96 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Kvalitetskrav til LED belysning - IEA 4E SSL
Energy efficiency
Case no.


Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing


Kofod, Casper
Comtact information

Energy Piano
L F Cortzensvej 3
DK-2830 Virum
Kofod, Casper , 40459876, ck@energypiano.dk
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