MEGAVIND - strategic partnership for developing demonstration and research within wind power

The Megavind Partnership was founded in 2006 and the project 2008-2010 is a continuation of the earlier stages of the partnership. It has been the goal of the partnership to establish the foundation for concrete demonstration projects and continue the strategy development ofthe earlier stages of the partnership, Megavind has in the project period 2

Project description

The Megavind Partnership was founded in 2006 and the project 2008-2010 is a continuation of the earlier stages of the partnership. It has been the goal of the partnership to establish the foundation for concrete demonstration projects and continue the strategy development ofthe earlier stages of the partnership, Megavind has in the project period 2008-2010 focused on 2 areas; ''Wind power plants in the energy system'' and ''Wind turbines and wind farms''. During this project period projects and strategies have been developed within these two areas. The working group ''Wind power plants in the energy system'' has through Danish Standards proposed the development of ''Electrical simulation models for wind power generation'', which is now approved and started through the IEC. The working group has also been used as a reference group in the development of new technical regulations for wind turbines at the Danish TSO, The working group has further developed a project description for facilities for testing grid connection characteristics of wind power plants. The work resulted in an application to EUDP and a grant from EUDP to start up the first phase in the development of an advanced test facility where it can be possible to develop and test new grid connection solutions, and validate the grid connection characteristics of wind power plants. The working group ''Wind turbines and wind farms'' has concretizised the recommendations of the 2008 report and developed concrete criteria for wind conditions etc. for test turbines. As a result of the recommendations of the 2008-Megavind-report ''Test and demonstration of wind turbines'' Østerild Klitplantage was confirmed as the location of a new national test center for prototype turbines in June 2010. Megavind has in the Steering Committee also worked with strategy development. The results of the Megavind project were presented at a conference in March 2010 with 100 participants. The development of the project has followed the project description in the period 2008-2010

Key figures

2008 - 2010
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.18 mio. DKK
0.43 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
70 %
Project budget:
0.62 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
MEGAVIND - strategisk partnerskab til udvikling af forskning og udvikling inden for vindkraft
Project type
Case no.



Vindmølleindustrien (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Vindmølleindustrien 0,47 mio. DKK 0,20 mio. DKK


Lindvig, Karina
Comtact information
Rosenørns Allé 9, 5. sal
DK-1970 Frederiksberg C
Lindvig, Karina , 33730330,
Øvr. Partnere:
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