H2MOVES Scandinavia - demonstration of large scale hydrogen refuelling station in Oslo as part of EU FCH-JU project

The project wants to establish and develop a 3.G. hydrogen filling station. The project is a part of the H2moves Scandinavia project. H2moves all around goal is partly to demonstrate cars driven by fuel cells and to build 3.G hydrogen filing stations, which can make 700 bar refill and partly deploy fuel cell vehicles and hydrogen filling stations by 2015 to ensure that Scandinavia is an attractive investment region for international automakers.


This project is to co-finance the establishment of a high capacity hydrogen refuelling station in Oslo as part of the H2MOVES-Scandinavia project where fuel cell vehicles are to be demonstrated. The H2MOVES project was selected for funding negotiations by the European Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking program in June 2009. The EUDP support will only co-finance the H2 Logic hour activities in the project on establishing the hydrogen refuelling station. The objectives of H2MOVES Scandinavia are to: a) Conduct demonstration of fuel cell vehicles in Oslo; b) H2 Logic to establish a high capacity 200 kg hydrogen refuelling station in Oslo that is to conduct refuelling at 700 bar according to the international SAE J2601 standard (the part that EUDP support is asked for); c) Plan following fuel cell vehicle deployment and hydrogen refuelling establishments in Scandinavia for 2012-2015 ensuring that the area becomes one among the market introduction regions for car manufacturers beyond 2015

Key figures

2010 - 2012
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
23.52 mio. DKK
3.28 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
12 %
Project budget:
26.80 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
H2MOVES Scandinavia - demonstration af storskala hydrogen tankstation i Oslo som en del af EU FCH-JU projekt
Brint and fuelcells
Case no.


NEL Hydrogen (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
NEL Hydrogen 3,28 mio. DKK 4,69 mio. DKK


Sloth, Mikael
Comtact information

H2 Logic A/S
Industriparken 34 B
DK-7400 Herning
Sloth, Mikael , 96275600, info@h2logic.com
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