LINK2009. Development and demonstration of 2. generation fuel cell hybrid vehicles and hydrogen refuelling stations

LINK2009 is a public private partnership. The objective is to develop state-of-art fuel cell systems for hydrogen vehicles and a 350bar hydrogen refuelling station. In Phase 1 is supported by the Danish EUDP program. There will be developed a 2. generation hydrogen car ''THINK Hydrogen'' and 2. generation hydrogen service vehicle ''MEGA Hydrogen''. The objective of the 2. generation fuel cell system developments is to improve durability, operation distance, efficiency and simplify the system resulting in price reduction. In phase 1 there will also be developed a 2. generation 350bar hydrogen refuelling station with on-site hydrogen production from electrolysis. The 350bar hydrogen refuelling station will be installed and operated by Vestforsyning Erhverv in Holstebro. In Phase 2 of the LINK2009 project 3 additional refuelling stations will be installed in Herning, Århus and Copenhagen and a total of 50 hydrogen vehicles will start in demonstration before COP15 in Copenhagen in November 2009

Project description

The purpose of LINK2009 phase 1 has been to develop 2nd gen. fuel cell technology for vehicles and hydrogen refueling technology. LINK2009 has thereby continued the efforts from the previous “Hydrogen Link West Denmark” project (ENS 33032-0208) where 1st gen. technology was developed and tested. LINK2009 is divided into two phases, where this first phase contains the development of the 2nd gen. technologies, while phase 2 is to conduct demonstration hereof. New optimized 2nd gen. fuel cell technology for road vehicles has been developed, where an efficiency on 42- 48% has been achieved. Further the fuel cell system price has been reduced to €4.500/kW including hydrogen storage. The technology is developed for use in a city car and a service vehicle. New 2nd gen. hydrogen refueling technology has been developed in terms of technical concepts for both 350bar and 700bar refueling as well as onsite hydrogen production at refueling stations. Funds for phase 2 were secured from the EUDP program in summer 2009 and demonstration is expected to commence in early 2011. Demonstration of 4 fuel cell vehicles in the city of Holstebro in Demark is planned, together with the establishment of a 700bar hydrogen refueling station. Further 5 vehicles will be demonstrated in Oslo together with the establishment of a 700bar hydrogen refueling station, as part of the Scandinavian project H2MOVES Scandinavia which is funded by the European Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Joint Undertaking Program. Outside the project new activities have ensured demonstration of additional 8 vehicles in Copenhagen together with the establishment of a 350bar hydrogen refueling station. All together 17 vehicles and 3 refueling stations will be demonstrated as a result of the LINK2009 effort

Key figures

2008 - 2010
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
8.79 mio. DKK
5.00 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
36 %
Project budget:
13.79 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
LINK2009. Udvikling og afprøvning af 2. generation brændselscelle hybridkøretøjer og brinttankstationer
Brint and fuelcells
Project type
Case no.



NEL Hydrogen (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
NEL Hydrogen 4,60 mio. DKK 3,36 mio. DKK
Hydrogen Link Denmark 0,27 mio. DKK 0,18 mio. DKK
HYTOR A/S 0,06 mio. DKK 0,11 mio. DKK
Københavns Kommune 0,06 mio. DKK 5,51 mio. DKK
ROTREX A/S 0,00 mio. DKK 0,08 mio. DKK


Krogsgaard, Jacob
Comtact information
H2 Logic A/S
Tjelevej 42
DK-7400 Herning
Krogsgaard, Jacob , 96275600,
Øvr. Partnere: Rotrex A/S; Hytor A/S; Parker-Hannifin Danmark A/S; Hydrogen Link Denmark; Københavns Kommune
Contact email