EFP-06 - IEA bioenergy agreement: Task 32: Biomass combustion and co-firing. National Danish representation 2006 and 2007

During the past period, the work group revised the handbook on biomass combustion and co-firing from 2003.

Project description

The project concerns activities in the period 2006-2007 as national Danish representative in the Technical Committee Task 32 under the IEA Bioenergy Agreement. Task 32 is labelled 'Biomass Combustion and Co-firing'. In previous years former dk-TEKNIK now FORCE Technology represented Denmark in the IEA Bioenergy, Task 32. The task consists of a strong network from industries, universities, authorities etc. which enable a succesfull dissemination of know-how, experience and new ideas. Through participation in this highly qualified international network the Danish industries and market actors gain access to the latest important developments in technology, legislation etc. on biomass combustion. Significant factors in Task 32 are industrial participation, the interaction between IEA activities and the interaction with the European Union. Enhancement of the industrial participation can be realised by formulating joint projects between participating members and industry. The emphasis of the activities in the Task is on market introduction for expanding the use of Biomass Combustion at a short term and on optimization of biomass combustion technology to remain competitive at a longer term. Task 32 is closely related to other IEA Bioenergy activities, especially to activities in the field of Biomass Gasification and Techno-economic Analysis. The task finalises a triennium working period by December 2006 and continues with a new triennium working period from January 2007. This project covers participation in the task in the first year of this new 3-year period. Participating countries in this trienneium: Australia, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, the EU-commisionen, Great Britain and Germany


The project financed Danish participation in IEA’s task 32 on application of biomass in combustion processes and co-firing. During the past period, the work group revised the handbook on biomass combustion and co-firing from 2003. The updated version was published in English in December 2007 and in Chinese in 2008. Approximately 80 pages on relevant environmental conditions were revised by the Danish participant. The work group convenes every six months to exchange experience, and information from these meetings is disseminated via an open network. Task 32 activities can be viewed at www.ieabcc.nl.

Key figures

2006 - 2008
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.11 mio. DKK
0.30 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
74 %
Project budget:
0.41 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
EFP-06 - IEA bioenergy agreement: Task 32: Biomass combustion and co-firing. Dansk repræsentation i perioden 2006 og 2007
Bio and waste
Case no.


Force Technology (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Ewald, Anders
Comtact information
FORCE Technology. Industrielle Processer
Hjortekærsvej 99
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Danmark
Ewald, Anders , 72157750, aev@force.dk
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