Setting up of a centre concering safety regulations for hydrogen and fuel cell systems - phase 1

At present, there are no safety-technical testing facilities for hydrogen and fuel cells in Denmark, and there is hardly any commercial basis for running such facilities. The project identifies the needs for and possibilities of such a centre, which can take part in all phases – from design to testing of the finished product.

Project description

The purpose of many Danish hydrogen projects is demonstration or production of appliances or components. DGC is participating in a number of projects as an independent consultant in order to ensure that the products are designed according to all safety regulations. At various stages in the development of any project, the products need to go through new assessments to make certain that the final product will meet all existing regulations. In the case of fuel cell systems, for instance, the requirements of the Gas Appliances Directive as well as the Danish Gas Regulations must be met. At the moment, there are no dedicated safety testing facilities for hydrogen and fuel cells in Denmark. Due to the limited number of activities in this area it is doubtful whether such testing facilities would be commercially viable. In spite of this, it should be contemplated to set up testing facilities in Denmark, as there may be spin-off activities in the form of a closer contact between producers and laboratories in the development phase, knowledge preparedness and, consequently, improved possibilities for consulting. It would also be easier to actively participate in standardisation work and to influence the standards in accordance with Danish interests. This project shall determine the need and the possibilities for a centre concerning safety regulations for hydrogen and fuel cell systems. This centre should participate in all phases of product development, from design to testing of the final appliance. A centre like that could be an activity for Danish Gas Technology Centre, who has relevant experience in the area through its work as Notified Body according to the Gas Appliances Directive, as test laboratory in gas technology, and as safety adviser in the hydrogen area. The project consists of the following elements: 1. Determination of need for consultancy and test concerning safety regulations. This will be done by means of a questionnaire and interviews with producers and authorities in the Danish market. 2. Specification of relevant standards for appliances and components. Identification of missing standards or adaptation of existing standards to the needs in the Danish market. 3. Workshop with producers and authorities. Before the workshop an interim report with an outline of the above points 1. and 2. 4. Final reporting. The project will have a duration of a maximum of six months in order to be able to involve the various players in the best possible way

A feasibility study of the need for a Centre of Safety Technology for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells has been carried out. More or less all stakeholders in hydrogen projects outside the traditional process industry were covered by the study. The feasibility study showed a significant need for a Centre of Safety Technology for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells. As regards test activities in the field of hydrogen vehicles the prevailing opinion was to use foreign ex-pertise. First and foremost there is a need for a national test centre for the required safety and performance tests in connection with certification of stationary plants. Additionally, knowledge on regulatory requirements, standards (and their implementation) and installation requirements is requested. Based on the needs described above and the strengths and interests of the individual knowledge centres, a proposal for the organisation of a network for a Centre of Safety Technology has been worked out.

Key figures

2007 - 2007
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.14 mio. DKK
0.14 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
50 %
Project budget:
0.28 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Etablering af et sikkerhedsteknisk center for brint og brændselscelleanlæg - fase 1
Case no.


Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Iskov, Henrik
Comtact information
Dansk Gasteknisk Center a/s
Dr. Neergaards Vej 5 B
DK-2970 Hørsholm, Danmark
Iskov, Henrik , 45169600,
Øvr. Partnere: