Photovoltaics integrated in an industrialised building process

The purpose of the project has been to examine the possibilities for PV in an industrialised building process. The project is an information gathering and development project with basis in knowledge about the possibilities for PV in relation to specific housing projects in Skanska Bolig A/S, including BoKlok, developed in cooperation with IKEA.

Project description

The aim of the project is to develop photovoltaic (PV) solutions for buildings produced in highly industrialized processes. The building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) will be developed with focus on: 1) Thin film solar cells and other advanced solar cell types that are suitable for the industrial building process. 2) The contribution of PV electricity to the energy profile of the building. 3) The aesthetic expression of the building. 4) PV as an element of controlling daylight in the building. 5) PV as an energy producing element in building components. The project consists of three phases: 1. Gather information and knowledge and make economic and technical surveys. 2. Analyze, develop and evaluate solutions. Workshop for students of architecture. 3. Demonstration of results. The project is expected to result in showing possibilities for a low BIPV-system cost because of the high degree of industrial production. Hopefully Skanska Danmark and other house building companies will benefit from the results of the project and thereby include BIPV as a natural part of their products.


During the project a workshop with participating architectural students has been carried through resulting in detailed concepts. The concepts have in general terms been introduced nationally to the press and were invited to a poster presentation at the world's largest PV conference. In addition to this, a number of prototypes are produced together with other presentation material. The main results are: 1) The project has resulted in increased knowledge about the possibilities with photovoltaics in industrialised building processes, 2) A number of concepts have been developed to fit PV in the project phase of an industrialised building process, 3) The most promising concepts have been demonstrated as prototypes in different scale together with other presentation materials.

Key figures

2006 - 2007
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.61 mio. DKK
1.31 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
68 %
Project budget:
1.91 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Solceller integreret i industrielt byggeri (SOL-IND)
Case no.


Eniig a.m.b.a. (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
PA Energy A/S
Aarhus Arkitektskole


Bernth, Krista Kathrine
Comtact information
EnergiMidt A/S. Erhverv
Søndergade 27
DK-8740 Brædstrup, Denmark
Bernth, Krista Kathrine , 70151560,
Øvr. Partnere: Skanska Danmark A/S; PA Energy A/S; Aarhus Arkitektskole