Suitability of the natural gas grid for pure hydrogen distribution, phase 2

The project studied the transportation in a small scale pilot grid at the research centre in Hørsholm, Denmark. The test program included steel pipes from the Danish gas transmission grid and polymer pipes from the Danish and Swedish gas distribution grid.

Project description

The project is a continuation of the project 'Suitability of the natural gas grid for pure hydrogen distribution '(1763/00-0033) (hereinafter called the phase I project). The phase II project will investigate a number of aspects of the Danish gas grid that need to be clarified prior to introduction of the hydrogen society: 1) Further tests concerning gas distribution grid over a period of three years of the plastic test pipes used in the phase I project. These pipes represent used as well as new types of pipe with different connections used in Denmark and Sweden since the introduction in 1980 of natural gas. The phase I project showed a clear tendency towards changes in the pipe materials caused by only one year's exposure to hydrogen. 2) A number of field tests and subsequent tests of material technology of a steel pipe quality that is especially suitable for hydrogen, to be used in the gas transmission system (80 bar high-pressure grid). 3) Investigation of the possibilities of using the distribution grid at a higher gas flow than today. 4) Investigation of methods for leakage detection and monitoring of the hydrogen and hydrogen/natural gas systems. The safety aspect is crucial in hydrogen systems, and stricter safety factors for dimensioning and operation of hydrogen transmission and distribution systems are to be expected. Safety assessment and risk analysis will be included in the project right from the beginning. Very early on in the project the authorities will be contacted for a constructive dialogue to ensure an optimal process of a very unusual project regarding safety. The project is divided into these four phases: 1) Planning and projecting, 3 months 2) Assembly phase, 3 months 3) Operation phase including sampling after 12, 24 and 36 months 4) Analysis / Dissemination phase, 4 months The project participants will have the following expertise: DGC: Project management and field tests with data logging, data processing and reporting and dissemination. Borealis: Plastic technology analyses. Norsk Hydro: Steel pipe analyses, including consequences of environmental strain from the gas in the form of coating, H_2S and pressure fluctuation, as well as literature studies of possible damages to 80 bar gas transmission grid. General hydrogen technology. HNG: Assembly, burying and preparation of plastic and steel pipes. A project group with the participating companies and Swedish Gas Center, Tumab, Gastra and the Danish Energy Authority will follow the project


In order to prepare for a future use of hydrogen as a fuel gas it became evident that very little information existed regarding the compatibility between long term exposure and transportation of hydrogen in natural gas pipelines. A program was therefore set to study the transportation in a small scale pilot grid at the research centre in Hørsholm, Denmark. The test program included steel pipes from the Danish gas transmission grid and polymer pipes from the Danish and Swedish gas distribution grid. The test of polymer pipes was devised so that part of the grid was to be dug up each year and analysis performed on the pipes, in this way any form of influence on the integrity of the polyethylene pipe would be detected. The analytical program for polymer was devised in order to detect any influence on the additivation of the polyethylene as this have an influence oxidative resistance, as well as checking already encountered possible degradation caused by extrusion of the material. Further tools as rheology and melt flow rate were used for detecting any structural changes on the material. On the mechanical property side the tensile strength and modulus has been followed as well as the most important property for the pipe line namely slow crack growth. The object of the steel pipe test was to see the effect on fatigue life of existing natural gas transmission lines with hydrogen gas being added to the transported commodity. Full-scale dynamic tests were performed using cut-out API 5L X70 pipe sections 20 inch diameter by 7 mm WT from the Danish natural gas transmission system. The pipe sections contained field girth weld made during the installation of the pipe line in the early 1980' s

Key figures

2005 - 2010
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
2.74 mio. DKK
1.16 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
30 %
Project budget:
3.90 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Naturgasnettets anvendelighed til en ren brintdistribution, fase 2
Brint and fuelcells
Case no.


Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Borealis AB
Hovedstadsregionens Naturgas I/S
Force Technology


Iskov, Henrik
Comtact information
Dansk Gasteknisk Center a/s. Energiteknik og Sikkerhed
Dr. Neergaards Vej 5B
DK-2970 Hørsholm, Denmark
Iskov, Henrik , 45169600, dgc@dgc
Øvr. Partnere: Borealis AB; Hovedstadsregionens Naturgasselskab HNG; Force Technology