A model for analyses of an integrated gas and electricity system

A numerical model for the gas and electricity systems has been developed. It is designed as an add-on module to the Balmorel model.

Project description

The purpose of the project is to establish data and analytical tools, and to use these to analyse key challenges in the gas and electricity sectors in Denmark. The focus is on the challenges that are related to the interplay and the mutual dependence between the two supply systems. The need for such analytical tools has increased as a consequence of the liberalisation in the gas and electricity sectors, and as a consequence of the continued increase in the use of natural gas for electricity and combined heat and power production. The project analyses incentives in the two markets for handling of security of supply (in the short as well as in the long time perspectives), capacity expansion and socio-economic efficiency. Further it will be analysed how the above aspects are influenced by the conditions in the sectors in the form of tariffs and taxes. The analyses will depart from an hour by hour simulation model of the operation of the system. Transmission conditions for gas are explicitly included, which distinguishes the project from previous projects


The purpose of the project is to gather data and develop analytical tools, and to apply them for analyzing the natural gas and electricity sector in Denmark. The focus is on the challenges that relate to the interplay and mutual dependencies between the two energy supply systems. A numerical model for the gas and electricity systems has been developed. It is designed as an add-on module to the Balmorel model. Data for i.a. gas consumption and combined heat and power production units has been gathered with geographical resolution corresponding to the substation level of the gas transmission system. The model permits analyses of normal operation situations in the gas and electricity system with hourly resolu-tion, including handling of gas storage. Investment analyses may be performed for gas infrastructure and com-bined heat and power production capacity. For the gas system there is an implementation of reservations of transmission capacities at annual, monthly, weekly, daily and hourly time levels. International relations are represented by including the Nordic (excluding Iceland) electricity system, and gas transmission possibilities relative to Holland, Germany and Sweden. The project report (Det danske gas- og elsystem") describes the gas and electricity systems and gives examples of analyses. The model can be downloaded from www.balmorel.com

Key figures

2005 - 2007
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
2.64 mio. DKK
1.77 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
40 %
Project budget:
4.41 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
En model for analyser af et sammenhængende gas- og elsystem
Case no.


Ramløse- EDB (Main Responsible)


Hans Ravn
Comtact information

Øvr. Partnere: Forskningscenter Risø. Afd. for Systemanalyse; IMM-DTU; Dansk Gasteknisk Center; Gastra; Eltra; Elkraft