Development of low-energy houses af class 1

Institut for Byggeri og Anlæg (DTU Byg)

The main aim of the project has been to reduce the total energy consumption in two typical Danish typehouses to a level corresponding to the demands for low energy class 1 buildings in the building regulations. The development process should be carried out in close co-operation with Danish typehouse producers.

Project description

The purpose of the project is to develop standard houses with so low energy consumption that they satisfy the requirements for low-energy class 1, cf. draft of new energy regulations in the Building Regulations. In connection with the proposed tightening of the energy requirements in the Building Regulations, a classification of low-energy buildings is proposed. Buildings with an energy consumption of only 50% of the future energy frame of the Building Regulations are then to be designated as 'low-energy class 1 buildings' and the documentation is to be carried out in accordance with the EU directive on energy rating of buildings. This will open up opportunities for consumers to choose buildings with better energy performance. To stimulate the use of this classification, and by it to make additional energy savings in new buildings possible, there is a need to show examples of solutions that can live up to the requirements for this classification. Thus, the object of the project is, through co-operation with manufacturers of standard houses and building components, to show that it is possible to develop and offer standard houses that, fully documented according to the EU directive, live up to the low-energy class 1 requirements. This is especially important to elucidate the possibilities and to start a process where a market is created for buildings with higher energy capacities than required, and with that pave the way for the development of building components and system solutions that can provide a basis for making low-energy class 1 a requirement in the Building Regulations in 10 years


The development has started with the existing typehouse solutions that fulfil the minimum demands in the Building Regulations. Based on detailed calculation/simulations of the total energy consumption for the houses, combined with new overall economic optimization models, new end-to-end typehouse solutions that meet the demands to low energy class l have been developed. The main results of the project are, that by increasing insulation thicknesses in the constructions, reducing the thermal bridge effects at building joints, using energy efficient window solutions, wing an effective heat recovery system for the ventilation air and carefully designing the house to be very airtight and finally utilizing energy efficient heating systems, one can reduce the energy consumption of typical typehouses to a level corresponding to the demands for low energy class 1 buildings as defined in the building regulations. Therefore it is concluded that the purpose of the project has been fulfilled. The project has achieved a very positive result by showing that it is possible to reduce the total energy consumption for a typehouse to a level corresponding to the best classification in the building regulations.

Key figures

2005 - 2007
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.05 mio. DKK
0.55 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
92 %
Project budget:
0.60 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Udvikling af typehuse i lavenergiklasse 1
Energy efficiency
Case no.


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Hjem as, Herning (DK)


Svendsen, Svend
Comtact information

Øvr. Partnere: Hjem as; Danogips A/S