Maabjerg Energy Concept

The purpose of the project is to create a sustainable systemic energy concept based on local CO2 neutral energy sources by integrating biomass based technologies and optimizing the energy flows between the different energy production plants.

Technologically the main result of the project is a confirmation of the assumption that the integration of state of the art technologies as regards 2 G ethanol production, biogas production and combined production of district heating and power into a bio refinery results, is much higher energy efficiency – in this case 99 % process energy efficiency – and better economic performance than existing standalone solutions for the use of biomass in energy production.
Project description

The main activities consist of analysis and maturation and verification activities in the fields of bioethanol, biogas, CHP, upgrading of biogas to natural gas standard and waste handling with the overall purpose of optimising the whole of the energy concept. The project is organised in 12 work packages. The tangible results of the project is a holistic energy concept with the following integrated components. Maabjerg Bioethanol Plant is expected to be able to supply 30 pct. of the total Danish market in 2020 with a yearly production of 50 to 70 mill. litres ethanol. The plant is expected to consume 300.000 to 400.000 tonnes of straw yearly. Maabjerg BioEnergy more than doubles its present capacity of 19 mill. m3 adding more than 20 mill. m3 to the market as a substitute for fossil fuels. Maabjerg CHP offers steam that uses the district heating distribution network as cooling media, thereby supplying heating equivalent to the base load needed to supply more than 20.000 local households and provide power to the grid. Maabjerg Hydrogen offers technology for upgrading biogas to substitute large quantities of natural gas depending on local consumption. Maabjerg Renescence offers separation technology to handle 50.000 tonnes of local household waste on a yearly basis


The four most important results of the project are:

  • The supply of C5 molasses as a residual of straw based ethanol production to the biogas plant boost biogas production by a factor 5 as a consequence of moving from mesofile to thermofile biogas production
  • Upgrading of biogas to CNG standards for supplying the natural gas distribution network and thereby solving the take-off problem of large scale biogas production which traditionally needs its own expensive distribution network
  • Energy efficient and economical use of the two residuals of ethanol production lignin and C5 molasses
  • Use of surplus heat from evaporation of straw in the ethanol plant by injection into the district heating distribution network.

These results are considered important since an integrated refinery concept can create a break-through for a more energy efficient and economically sustainable use of biomass in energy production and also in the transportation sector.

Key figures

2012 - 2014
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
25.32 mio. DKK
9.79 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
28 %
Project budget:
35.11 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Maabjerg Energy Concept
Bio and waste
Project type
Case no.


Vestforsyning A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Vestforsyning A/S 6,55 mio. DKK 19,66 mio. DKK
PLAN & PROJEKT A/S 1,40 mio. DKK 1,71 mio. DKK
Struer Forsyning 0,89 mio. DKK 1,09 mio. DKK
Ørsted A/S 0,13 mio. DKK 0,38 mio. DKK
Maabjerg Bioenergy A/S 0,44 mio. DKK 1,33 mio. DKK
Nomi I/S 0,39 mio. DKK 1,16 mio. DKK


Udby, Jørgen
Comtact information

Vestforsyning A/S. Udviklingsafdelingen, Nupark 51, DK-7500 Holstebro
Tel. 96127300 , Fax 96127301
Email: Website:

Partnere: Plan & Projekt A/S; Struer Forsyning A/S; DONG Energy A/S; Maabjerg Bio Energi A/S; nomi I/S