Methane from carbon dioxide - System Integration

The project objective is to build and operate a scalable bioreactor to meet key goals of the Danish energy
strategy. The project will efficiently integrate renewable electricity from the power grid into the natural gas grid, and
increase production of “green gas” for energy storage and load balancing using the CO2 in
biogas. Scaling to upgrade CO2 from fermentation or flue gas is a long term goal.

The key accomplishment of the project Methane from Carbon Dioxide is the demonstration of the technical and operational capabilities of Electrochaea’s technology at pre-commercial scale. During a total of 3,400 hours of operation, data was obtained about the technology’s efficiency, productivity, responsiveness, robustness, and longevity. Together with the experience gained during design, engi-neering, construction, and operation of the facility, this project will directly inform future technology scale-up and demonstration efforts, including the design of the first commercial-scale unit to be con-structed at Avedøre. Taken together, these accomplishments have significantly reduced the technolo-gy risk for the business and motivated investor interest in commercially deploying Electrochaea’s me-thane production process in the Danish market.
Project description

Electrochaea.DK (ECDK) has partnered with E.ON, Norjdysk Elhandel AS and Aarhus University’s biogas facility at Foulum to conduct a field demonstration of ECDK’s proprietary system, to convert electricity and CO2 into methane, the main component of renewable natural gas (RNG).

Niras is providing engineering and project management services to the Project. The demonstration will convert the CO2 component of biogas into RNG for combustion at a local combined heat and power facility or into grid quality  methane to upgrade biogas for storage and redistribution of power from Denmark’s growing wind energy capacity.

This project will refine technical and economic parameters for the design, construction and operation of commercial bioreactors suitable to Denmark’s and European centralized biogas facilities. ECDK anticipates it will acquire sufficient information during the project to design and engineer a replicable “skid” so the Company can build and operate profitable RNG upgrading operations at a minimum of 10 biogas sites in Denmark and subsequently in other EU markets.

The demonstration will take place at Foulum’s existing test bioreactor and will run for test periods of 1,000 and 2.000 hours, under  market pricing conditions to refine a financial for making RNG in the Danish markets.


The following objectives were reached:

  •  Transferred microbial culture from the United States to Denmark and and restarted culture production in Foulum using off-the-shelf laboratory equipment
  •  Produced ~200 L of microbial culture for reactor inoculation from 0.1 L of innoculum in less than four weeks
  •  Completed detailed engineering of gas delivery and reactor management systems
  •  Validated start-up procedure and gained culture growth experinence at 3,000-L scale
  •  Grew microbial culture to 4,800 L and demonstrated ability to manage state of culture over long periods of time
  •  Produced product gas with methane content >90% despite considerable technical limitations of reactor
  •  Confirmed predicted reactor performance of 65% to 95% conversion of carbon dioxide to me-thane, dependent upon mixing energy and flow rate, based on earlier engineering analysis, and validating our understanding of key operating parameters
  •  Demonstrated the culture’s resilience to withstand environmental insults, including through two unplanned process upsets that resulted in the delivery of air and unknown substances into the reactor system
  •  Achieved 3,400 h of operational run time with raw biogas feedstock from an adjacent anaero-bic digester
  •  Produced methane with 4:1 hydrogen to carbon dioxide molar ratio
  •  Produced and stored sufficient microbial culture for 1st commercial unit
  •  Demonstrated needs for key nutrients for the catalytic culture at this scale are less than 5% of the amount predicted from laboratory scale cultures.

Affirmation of the project’s success is validated by’s ForskEL program approval to fund Electrochaea’s P2G-BioCat demonstration-project with a 27,6 mDKK PSO grant. The BioCat project is 2

a 1.0 MW commercial-scale unit to be sited at the Avødore wastewater treatment plant near Copen-hagen. Formal project partners include Audi, Electrochaea,, Erdgas Zurich, ewz (Swiss Utility), HMN Gashandel, Hydrogenics, Insero Business Services, Nordjysk Elhandel, and Spildevandscenter Avedøre. The experiences and data collected in the Foulum project will support the design, engineering, construction, and operation of the BioCat facility. We are excited about this pro-ject and the opportunity it provides to build and operate the first commercial-scale power-to-methane unit in Denmark. It is our belief that successful execution of the project will lead to larger additional projects in the Danish market.

Key figures

2012 - 2013
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
3.73 mio. DKK
4.86 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
57 %
Project budget:
8.59 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Metan fra kuldioxid - Systemintegration
Case no.



ELECTROCHAEA.DK ApS (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
ELECTROCHAEA.DK ApS 1,52 mio. DKK 2,18 mio. DKK
E.ON DANMARK A/S 0,02 mio. DKK 0,03 mio. DKK
Aalborg Universitet (Fredrik Bajers Vej) 3,27 mio. DKK 1,44 mio. DKK
Nordjysk Elhandel A/S 0,05 mio. DKK 0,08 mio. DKK