Appended test program for natural gas driven vehicles at Arriva and Ecocounsil

The project is part of IEA-AMF annex 39 Part 2: Enhanced performance of Heavy Duty Methane Engines. The requested funding covers a supplementary test programme on gas fuelled buses and trucks, which are procured by the Danish Transport Agency, Arriva and Ecocounsil.

Project description

The project is part of IEA-AMF annex 39 Part 2: Enhanced performance of Heavy Duty Methane Engines. The requested funding covers a supplementary test programme on gas fuelled buses and trucks, which are procured by the Danish Transport Agency, Arriva and Ecocounsil. The purpose of this test programme is to add anumber of advanced tests according to project description from IEA-AMF

The measurement program is composed of two projects and "Joint monitoring program for natural gas-powered vehicles" granted by the Transport and Construction - Project 2002751, partly "Extended monitoring program for natural gas vehicles granted by EUDP, project 2,001,582.

Driving and Construction has chosen - in addition to the operational experience gained in the three CNG projects with Arriva, Fredericia Municipality and the Ecological Council - to implement a measuring program where gas vehicles are tested against comparable diesel vehicles in terms of air emissions, energy consumption and noise.

Technological Institute has received a grant from the Transport and Construction Authority and EUDP to picture-taking measurements of emissions from vehicles. There have been transient test on a chassis dynamometer, where all relevant emissions are measured and the energy efficiency is determined. Furthermore, out-doing the measuring program contributing to the "IEA AMF Annex 49 - COMVEC" program, which aims, through a common test procedure internationally to examine and compare alternative fuels and technologies for commercial vehicles. DTI contribute-costs with test results for heavy vehicles.

Noise measurements of the vehicles are also part of the measurement program. The sound pressure is measured both inside and out and made both at idling and increased idling and out-sary when passing and acceleration from standstill.

Key figures

2012 - 2015
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.24 mio. DKK
0.68 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
74 %
Project budget:
0.92 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Udvidet måleprogram på naturgasdrevne køretøjer hos Arriva og Det Økologiske Råd (IEA AMF)
Project type
Case no.



Teknologisk Institut (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Teknologisk Institut 0,60 mio. DKK 0,08 mio. DKK
DINEX A/S 0,08 mio. DKK 0,17 mio. DKK


Lars Overgaard
Comtact information

Teknologisk Institut. Vedvarende Energi og Transport, Kongsvang Allé 29, 8000 Aarhus C, tlf. 72201000,

Contact email