Alternative methods for separation of water and sucrose

The goal of the project is to formulate alternative separation concepts that can replace the traditional water evaporation in the sugar production. The concepts consist of one or more existing or future separation technologies, and their practical potentials are evaluated through theoretical analysis and pilot tests.

Project description

The largest energy consumption in sugar production is spent for evaporation of water from the cleaned beet cell juice. This evaporation is made in order to separate water and sucrose. If an alternative and less energy demanding method for this separation could be found, the potential energy savings would be large. For the danish sugar production a yearly amount of 85,000 ton fossile fuel of 29.3 GJ/ton is used. Saving of, for example, 25% represent a yearly energy potential of 600.000 GJ. The objective of the project is to formulate alternative separation concepts in substitution for the traditional water evaporation. The concepts may consist of one or more existing or future separation technologies, the practical potentials of which are evaluated through theoretical analyses and pilot tests


Results: The project led to a range of new separation technologies, and we estimate that especially one - removal of water through gas hydrates - has a future potential in the sugar production. Together with the pilot test the effected concept calculations have shown that potentially this process may reduce the energy consumption with between 30% and 60%. The hydrate process may possibly also reduce the consumption of lime stone in the present juice purification. It is a new unique separation technology - not yet commercially accessible. The process in the beginner phase and further progress requires considerable in depth development both theoretically as well as technologically. Danisco Sugar has applied for a patent for use of the hydrate process in the sugar production (SE-2000381). We have made tests where crushing (mechanical opening of the beet cells) and separation of sugar juice and pulp were tested at pilot scale. The tests proved that it was impossible to obtain a juice output close to the level required to make the concept sustainable. It requires a considerable effort to develop the neccessary process equipment. The German Heinz Heyer, with whom we cooperated actively, has applied for patent for the process (DE 19736080). In addition to the hydrate process we have evaluated a range of biotechnological separation processes (sucrose binding proteins and yeast). The result of these examinations was that at the present technological stage we are unable to utilize these methods

Key figures

1998 - 2000
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
3.33 mio. DKK
3.17 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
49 %
Project budget:
6.50 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Alternative metoder til separation af vand og sukker
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.


Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)


Bøch Andersen, Torben
Comtact information
Danisco Sugar. Development Center
Maribovej 2
DK-4900 Nakskov, Denmark
Bøch Andersen, Torben (projekting.), 53926100,
Øvr. Partnere: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. Institut for Kemiteknik