Hydrogen provided by electrolysis LT-PEMEC track

The project objective is to develop a complete prototype micro-electrolyze unit based on the LT 
PEMEC technology that fulfils the ambiguous µPEMEC road-map with respect to cost and 
efficiency. Three units will be functionality tested within the applied 3-year long phase 1. The 
project results are expected to strongly contribute to the targeted commercialization in 2016. 

The project's objective was to promote the commercialization of hydrogen electrolysis technology, and to develop an electrolysis unit for the production of pressurized hydrogen with everything from power for hydrogen storage to testing the device in connection with a PEM μ-CHP.
Project description

A PEM electrolyser cell (PEMEC) is built up around a proton exchange membrane in direct contact 
with two electrodes, which generate hydrogen and oxygen. In principle the PEMEC resembles the 
PEM fuel cell (PEMFC) and significant parts of the technical advances of the past few years within 
PEMFC can also be used for PEMEC. The development will be founded on the results obtained 
within the FCH JU funded PrimoLyzer project (www.primolyzer.ird.dk) that are concentrated 
around basic material R&D and PEMEC MEA & stack construction. The present project aims to 
further develop the promising results by not only increase the PEMEC efficiency and decrease cost, 
but also to construct a first generation system that fulfils the ambiguous Danish µPEMEC road-
map with respect to cost, durability and efficiency. The proposed project is scheduled for 3-years. 
The consortium comprises IRD and utility companies, TRE-FOR and SEAS NVE. Three units will 
be functionality tested by the respective partners. True field test together with the LT PEM-based 
µCHP unit developed within the EUDP-project ‘Competitive µCHP for H2omes’ are planned for a 
following phase. The project results are expected to strongly contribute to the targeted 
commercialisation in 2016. 

A Danish micro-electrolyser that is capable of efficiently splitting water into ultrapure hydrogen and oxygen has successfully been developed and tested within the present project. The electrolyser is based on the PEM technology that the IRD has developed for fuel cells and recently optimised for electrolysis. The electrolyser has a capacity of producing 1 Nm3 of H2 per hour, directly pressurized to 50 bar without a compressor. A drying system capable of reducing the dew point in a pressurised stage to less than -70ºC was also developed to comply with the dew point requirements for the use in a hydrogen filling station. The electrolysis system is CE certified. A number of prolonged cell test has been performed, the results show a huge potential for long lifetime i.e. one cell has successfully been tested for more than 3-years (30,000 hours), the test is still on-going.

Key figures

2011 - 2015
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
11.45 mio. DKK
14.61 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
56 %
Project budget:
26.08 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Hydrogen fremstillet ved elektrolyse - LT-PEMEC teknologien
Brint and fuelcells
Project type
Case no.



IRD Fuel Cells A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
IRD Fuel Cells A/S 9,43 mio. DKK 7,72 mio. DKK
SEAS-NVE STRØMMEN A/S 0,15 mio. DKK 0,22 mio. DKK
TRE-FOR Enterprise A/S 1,27 mio. DKK 1,95 mio. DKK
1st Mile ApS 0,71 mio. DKK 0,60 mio. DKK
MovingEnergy 0,63 mio. DKK 0,52 mio. DKK
Aalborg Universitet (Fredrik Bajers Vej) 2,43 mio. DKK 0,46 mio. DKK