Retrofit Yaw Control Kits for higher power output

To develop and demonstrate the value of a yaw control kit for wind turbines, which continuously measures
the wind direction in front of a wind turbine and subsequently turns the turbine almost perfectly into the
wind. Correction of yaw errors increases production and reduces turbine loads. ROMO sees a market
potential of €1.5 bn for retrofitting and approx. €150 mill annually in new wind turbines.

Project description

The position of wind sensors behind the wind turbine rotor is known to produce yaw errors

leading to production losses and increased turbine loads. The spinner anemometer (SA) -

measuring the wind in front of the rotor - accurately detects yaw errors, but the technology

has not yet been commercially successful. Additional user-friendly technology is thus

necessary to enable the SA to automatically detect and correct the yaw errors. It is the

purpose of this project to develop such technology.

ROMO Wind (ROMO) recently acquired the SA technology from DTU and has made a

simple but fundamental invention that will enable the development of universally

applicable and easily installable turbine yaw control kits based on the SA. The kits use the

SA for automatic calibration of the existing turbine wind sensors using a so-called yaw


The objective of this project is to develop such kits and subsequently demonstrate their

value by documenting the provided extra power, and their compliance with the different

harsh climatic and terrain conditions required by the wind power industry. This work will

allow a rapid commercialization of the SA technology and contribute to the

competitiveness of wind power in general.

Immediately after project completion ROMO will initiate full-scale commercial product

maturation, manufacturing and market introduction of these yaw control kits.

Key figures

2012 - 2016
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
11.78 mio. DKK
11.78 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
50 %
Project budget:
23.56 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Krøjekits til retrofitting for højere elproduktion
Project type
Case no.


ROMO WIND A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
ROMO WIND A/S 10,00 mio. DKK 10,18 mio. DKK
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) 0,54 mio. DKK 0,10 mio. DKK
Vattenfall A/S 1,23 mio. DKK 1,51 mio. DKK


Søren Mouritsen
Comtact information

Projektleder: Jesper Kjær Hansen


Contact email