New concept for energy renovation of masonry facades

The project will develop, demonstrate and document a new concept to energy renovate brick facades with
brick, so that insulation standards will be brought up to BR2015 level in a way that the facade's
architectural qualities and robustness is maintained at an attractive price. The target group is single-family
houses built in the years 1960 – 80

The project aimed to develop, demonstrate and document a new concept for energy refurbishment of brick facades with new brick, so that the insulation capability can be brought up to BR 2015 level, while the façade’s robustness, dimensions and architectural qualities are preserved. The project's target group is single-family homes from 1960-80, but the concept could be applied much wider. The concept is to demolish the outer leaf of the existing cavity wall. After insulating with new high-insulation materials, a new slimmer brick façade is built. If necessary, the thickness of the wall can be extended at up to 60 mm. Thermal bridges are eliminated. Proof of concept has been made in laboratory tests and demonstrated at full scale in a detached house from the period. The conclusion is that the task has succeeded and concept is ready for market.
Project description

The purpose of the project is to develop, demonstrate, and document a new concept for energy renovation of masonry facades bringing the insulation standards up to the level of BR 2015, and at the same time maintaining the overall expression, dimensions, and architectural qualities of the brick facade. The target group is single-family houses built in the years 1960-80 in Denmark.

The concept is based on pulling down the front wall, after which a new thin front wall is built making room for more insulation without increasing the dimensions of the wall. The new insulation is made from high efficient insulation materials thus reducing the U-Factor. The technical concept is developed according to calculations, practical solutions, execution of the design etc., including the most recent solutions for masonry.

A demonstration project will be implemented on a single-family house within the target group, following the process closely through documentation of execution, measuring the impact, and presentation of the results. The demonstration project is the fundamental basis for marketing and communication of the concept to craftsman companies and users.

The overall concept will reduce the use of heat energy for the house owner with an expected saving in the region of 3-10,000 crowns, besides the increased comfort and value of the house.


The Project aimed to develop, demonstrate and document a new concept, to energy renovate brick facades with brick so the insulation capacity is brought up to BR 2015 level, in a way that the facade architectural qualities and resilience is maintained at an attractive price. This has broken down the barriers that have prevented effective energy renovation of brick buildings. The project's target group is single-family homes from 1960-80, but the concept could be used much wider.

There has been developed an overall concept, based on the demolition of the existing outer leaf, whereupon a new slim outer leaf enteres, which leaves room for insulation (+60mm). New insulation is provided with highly efficient insulation, thereby achieving a substantial reduction of the outer wall U-value. The technical concept is developed with calculations, practical solutions, execution, etc. This includes the latest newly developed solutions in masonry, such as prefabricated slender false, bracing with insulating EPS columns etc.

A demonstration project of a detached house within the target group has been completed. The demonstration project has been closely monitored with documentation of the performance, power measurement and dissemination of results.

The demonstration project will form the basis for the promotion and dissemination of the concept of craft enterprises and end users, where there has been a local television coverage as well as some articles in the national media.

Development of a documentation package that supports the expansion of the concept to consultants and contractors is developed.

This package consists of, guidance in the necessary studies of buildings, the design and execution instructions. There is also a concept description and an energy report that describes the achievable comfort and energy improvements. There is also in cooperation with the Danish Construction Association and 3F organized workplace meetings with contractors and builders, and Teknisk Institut has offered a course in the concept.

Key figures

2012 - 2015
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
2.46 mio. DKK
2.10 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
46 %
Project budget:
4.56 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Nyt koncept til energirenovering murede facader
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.



Teknologisk Institut (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Teknologisk Institut 0,79 mio. DKK 1,44 mio. DKK
Lundgaard Teglværk 0,09 mio. DKK 0,09 mio. DKK
Thyholm Murer 0,37 mio. DKK 0,25 mio. DKK
Ekolab ApS 0,30 mio. DKK 0,20 mio. DKK
Pipers teglværker 0,21 mio. DKK 0,22 mio. DKK


Abelone Køster
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