Smart Grid Ready Energy Efficient Lighting System for Green House Horticulture

Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Instituttet

The project aims to develop an energy-cost-effective artificial light management system, which optimizes
plant growth in relation to energy costs and also integrates greenhouse horticulture with the grid through
DONG Energy's Power Hub concept, which enables the growers to deliver GRID-system performance by
dynamically regulate their consumption.This is part of a joint proposal for GUDP and EUDP.

The projects aim was to develop an energy-cost-effective artificial light management system, which optimizes plant growth in relation to energy costs and also integrates greenhouse horticulture with the grid through DONG Energy's Power Hub concept, which enables the growers to deliver GRID-system performance by dynamically regulate their consumption.This was part of a joint proposal for GUDP and EUDP.
Project description

With the current energy policy for a Danish electricity grid, which is mainly based on renewable energy sources like wind and solar, greenhouse horticulture will, like other energy-intensive manufacturing companies, face major economic challenges. This is due to the fluctuating renweable energy sournces which will result in greater fluctuations in the hourly rate for electricity. Those fluctuations will be a problem for the greenhouse horticulture sector, acting on the spot market, as they directly affect the total production cost for the use of artificial light.  To ensure competitive Danish horticulture, it is imperative to develop innovative manufacturing technologies that enable and ensure a future energy cost-efficient and more sustainable greenhouse production.

The project will develop and emplement such innovative, energy-cost-efficient production technologies within major Danish ornamental plant species. Greenhouse growers will be able to reduce their cost, and since the nurseries will dynamically adapt their use of artificial lighting in plant production to the fluctuations of renewable energy generated, the greenhouse horticulture sector can provide grid system services in the form of regulating power. In this way the greenhouse nurseries will be prepared for the extra flexibility that all consumers are faced with in the future Danish Smart Grid-based power network.


The project aims to develop the next generation of energy cost-efficient artificial lighting control that enables greenhouse growers to adapt their use of artificial lighting dynamically to fluctuations in the price of electricity. This is a necessity as fluctuations in the price of electricity can be so large that it directly affects the production costs. The project results show that the newly developed lighting control software, DynaLight NG, allows greenhouse growers to adapt their use of artificial lighting to market variations in electricity prices without negative impacts on plant quality or production time. The electricity savings that DynaLight NG can achieve depends on the installed lamp type. When used together with conventional SON-T lamps DynaLight NG can achieve an electricity savings of 25% compared to traditional artificial lighting control. The project results also show that shifting from SON-T to LED lamps can result in a fur-ther reduction of 50% reduction in electricity consumption.

Key figures

2012 - 2015
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.80 mio. DKK
2.85 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
78 %
Project budget:
3.66 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Smart Grid Ready energiomkostningeffektiv kunstlysstyring til væksthusgartnerier
Project type
Case no.



Syddansk Universitet (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
A.P. MØLLER - MÆRSK A/S 1,82 mio. DKK 0,34 mio. DKK
Ørsted A/S 0,06 mio. DKK 0,14 mio. DKK
CONWX ApS 0,13 mio. DKK 0,09 mio. DKK


Bo Nørregaard Jørgensen
Comtact information


Mogens Brach

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