Advanced Renovation in Non Residential Buildings

The project aims to ensure Danish participation in the IEA Task 47"Advanced Renovation in Non Residential Buildings." In this way Denmark participates in the development of solid knowledge of how to energy renovate buildings to reach a Nearly Zero Energy Buildings level in a sustainable and cost-effective manner. The most important market and policy obstacles for doing so will be identified

Project description

The project is an extension of the Danish participation in IEA Task 47 "Advanced Renovation in Non Residential Buildings". This project will increase the outcome of the Danish participation in Task 47.

New construction accounts for approx. only 1% of the energy consumption in the total building stock. Therefore there is a great need for and potential by implementing comprehensive energy conservation in existing buildings. In May 2010 the EU Parliament approved a recast of the EPBD citing that member countries must establish objectives in order to stimulate energy renovation of existing buildings to become almost energy neutral buildings Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB).

Examples of energy renovations have shown that it is possible to reduce the total primary energy consumption in buildings substantially and improve the indoor climate at the same time. Experience from these projects has not been systematically analysed, so energy targets for extensive renovations are often set too conservatively. Buildings already renovated to only mediocre levels may have lost the chance to achieve more ambitious levels, as profitability deteriorates substantially if further energy reductions are considered.

The project ensures Danish participation in the whole lifetime of the IEA Task 47 "Advanced Renovation in Non Residential Buildings". In this way Denmark participates in the development of solid knowledge of how to energy renovated buildings to reach a NZEB level in a sustainable and cost-effective manner. Moreover, the most important market and policy obstacles for doing so will be identified.

The project is of international character, so it is expected to encourage greater international cooperation on development and research on extensive energy renovation. The project could therefore be instrumental in ushering in energy renovation of large buildings and break down some barriers in this area. At a national level this will result in a major energy saving potential as Danish companies will be able to access the latest knowledge and information about good and effective renovation examples.

The objectives of the IEA Task 47 "Advanced Renovation in Non-Residential Buildings” are to develop a solid knowledge base on how to renovate non-residential buildings towards the NZEB standards in a sustainable and cost efficient way as well as to identify the most im-portant market and policy issues as well as marketing strategies for such renovations.
In the Task highly successful renovations and innovative concepts for the most important market segments have been analysed. To reach local authorities, companies and planners who need the knowledge on how to achieve market penetration using such solutions, the Task has to communicate success stories and planning knowledge with target audiences to support the acceleration of a market break-through of highly effective renovations in non-residential buildings. The EUDP project has ensured Danish participation in the Task.

Key figures

2014 - 2015
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.05 mio. DKK
0.30 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
85 %
Project budget:
0.35 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Avanceret energirenovering af bygninger som ikke anvendes til beboelse – tillæg
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.


Aalborg Universitet (Fredrik Bajers Vej) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Aalborg Universitet (Fredrik Bajers Vej) 0,40 mio. DKK 0,05 mio. DKK


Kirsten Engelund Thomsen
Contact email