Standardized Power Packs for improved aerodynamics of Wind Turbines – PowerPack

Standardized power packs and enabling engineering software tools are developed for wind turbines,

increasing the power output of wind turbine blades with up to 6%. The concepts are scalable and

configurable to new turbines but also as retrofit kits to existing turbines. The technology is demonstrated

through field trials.

Project description

PowerPack is a demonstration project aiming at the development of a pre-commercial platform of passive

aerodynamic enhancement accessories, based on a novel and configurable combination of vortex

generators, Gurney flaps and root flow modification devices.. Enabled by a novel engineering software tool,

the PowerPack concept will be applicable for improved aerodynamic and aeroelastic performance to new

and existing wind turbines. The technological target of the project is to arrive at a prototype, demonstrating

a 2%-6% power output improvement for a standard, reference turbine, while at the same time simplifying

current manufacturing and installation procedures of power accessories - thus further improving costefficiency

and lowering the COE of Wind power plants.

Aerodynamic devices are currently used for adjusting the aerodynamic and aeroelastic behaviour of wind

turbine blades. However, they have not yet been systematically applied nor integrated – and a large part of

their technological and market potential is unexploited. To pursue the objectives, the consortium behind

the project has put together a series of activities, grouped in 3 stages, to ensure that risk mitigation and all

technological and market issues are strategically considered. In a first stage, we aim to develop novel,

enabling and near-automated calculation software that can analyze the effect a given configuration of

accessories will have on a turbine’s productivity, loads and aeroelastic stability. Based on this,

aerodynamic components are optimized and redesigned as elements of an integrated “power pack”

concept. A second phase includes the adaptation and integration of results against market requirements.

Finally, in a third stage, concepts are subjected to demonstration for commercial and technical validation.

The main innovative aspects of the project include: (i) highly differentiating computational and engineering

software tools, ii) a scalable and configurable aerodynamic accessory concept, resulting in simple

deployment and turbine/OEM agnostic application (iii) improvement of performance and energy output for

standard wind turbines of 2%-6%. The project represents an innovative concept in the wind industry which

follows recommendations for novel concepts as emphasized in RD&D strategies of the Megavind

partnership between the Danish Government and the Wind Industry.

The consortium behind the project is industry-driven and consists of two highly specialized SMEs –

Sander Plast and Liftra - providing key experience and technological knowhow on wind energy. The

industrial partners are paired with DTU Wind Energy Department a center of excellence within the field. All

partners have clear, identifiable interests in the project, as a combination of interest in launching the

aerodynamic accessory concept commercially post-project, as well as in building further expertise in the

technological and commercial fields involved.

Key figures

2013 - 2015
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
66.53 mio. DKK
5.99 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
47 %
Project budget:
12.64 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Standardiserede Power Packs til forbedret aerodynamik i vindmøller - PowerPack
Project type
Case no.



Sander Plast A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Sander Plast A/S 2,00 mio. DKK 3,25 mio. DKK
LIFTRA ApS 2,04 mio. DKK 3,06 mio. DKK
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) 1,95 mio. DKK 0,34 mio. DKK