Phase 2, Cost Effective Energy and Carbon Emissions Optimization

Continued Danish participation in IEA Annex 56. In the original application funds were sought for the first 2

years, this application covers the last 27 months. The aim is to develop tools, guidelines,

recommendations, etc. for relevant parties to help cost-effectively minimizing CO2 emissions and energy

consumption in existing buildings.

Project description

The objective of this Annex is to accelerate extensive energy renovation of the existing buildings in

Denmark and worldwide. To accomplish this 4 sub-objectives have been identified:

• Development of a new methodology as the basis for future standards, to enable cost effective renovation

of existing buildings towards the nearly-zero energy and emissions objective.

• Development of tools, guidelines, recommendations, best-practice examples (case studies) covering as

well energy efficient building renovation as renewable energy production - for policy makers, designers,

users, owners and promoters

• The introduction of a broader approach going beyond the energy efficiency concept and focusing on the

overall added value achieved in an energy renovation process, which means that also comfort improvement,

global quality improvement and economic impact of the intervention in a cost/benefit perspective will also

be considered.

• Directly link the IEA to the target audience through accessible language and tools that enable them to

understand the benefits but also pinpoint problems and risks associated with building energy renovation.

Main activities

The work in IEA Annex 56 is organised within 4 subtasks:

Subtask A – Methodology

Development of a methodology for defining standards for energy renovation that can be adapted and

applied by different countries with different conditions.

Subtask B - Tools

Development of modular and flexible tools, with different levels of complexity and a renovation guideline.

Subtask C - Case-Studies

Case-studies will be used as sources of relevant technical information and as ways of testing the proposed

methodologies by carrying out detailed analysis on selected ones.

Subtask D - User Acceptance and Dissemination

i) User acceptance

ii) Dissemination of results to target users.


The project is expected to achieve the following outputs:

• A methodology for setting up standards for energy renovation of buildings.

• Flexible decision making tools and guidelines in the perspective of users, owners and promoters,

designers and policy makers;

• Commented successful case-studies highlighting the added-value of each renovation process. The

detailed case studies present and illustrate the developed methodology;

• A renovation guide, based on cost-effective solutions and on an optimal value concept.

Danish participation in and contribution to IEA Annex 56 is important as a means towards extensive

energy renovation of the existing building stock which will contribute to reach the political goals regarding

energy- and CO2-reductions and the outcome of the project may form the basis for a future EU directive on

the energy performance of existing buildings.

Cenergia Energy Consultants are co-leading subtask C, i.e. a part of the management team and can

thereby assure the best possible relevance of project activities and results in relation to Denmark.


The objective of Danish participation and contribution to IEA EBC Annex 56 was to accelerate extensive energy renovation of the existing buildings in Denmark and worldwide. To accom-plish this 4 sub-objectives have been identified within the Annex:

  • D evelopment of a new methodology as the basis for future standards, to enable cost-effective renovation of existing buildings towards the nearly-zero energy and emis-sions objective.
  • Development of tools, guidelines, recommendations, best-practice examples (case studies) covering as well energy efficient building renovation as renewable energy production - for policy makers, designers, users, owners and promoters.
  • The introduction of a broader approach going beyond the energy efficiency concept and focusing on the overall added value achieved in an energy renovation process, which means that comfort improvement, global quality improvement and economic impact of the intervention in a cost/benefit perspective will also be considered.
  • Directly link the IEA to the target audience through accessible language and tools that enable them to understand the benefits, but also pinpoint problems and risks associated with building energy renovation.

The project has achieved the following outputs:

  •  A methodology for setting up standards for energy renovation of buildings;
  • Flexible decision making tools and guidelines in the perspective of users, owners and promoters, designers and policy makers;
  • Commented successful case-studies highlighting the added value of each renovation process. The detailed case studies present and illustrate the developed methodology;
  • A renovation guide, based on cost-effective solutions and on an optimal value con-cept.

Danish participation in and contribution to IEA Annex 56 is important as a means towards extensive energy renovation of the existing building stock which will contribute to reach the political goals regarding energy- and CO2-reductions. The outcome of the project may also form the basis for a future EU directive on the energy performance of existing buildings.
Cenergia Energy Consultants was co-leading subtask C, i.e. as a part of the management team and has thereby assured the best possible relevance of project activities and results in relation to Denmark.

Key figures

2013 - 2015
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
1.22 mio. DKK
1.77 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
59 %
Project budget:
2.98 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Fase 2, Omkostningseffektiv Energi- og CO2-emissions-optimering
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.


Aalborg Universitet (Fredrik Bajers Vej) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Aalborg Universitet (Fredrik Bajers Vej) 0,65 mio. DKK 0,36 mio. DKK
Teknologisk Institut 0,47 mio. DKK 0,36 mio. DKK
Cenergia Energy Consultants 0,53 mio. DKK 0,28 mio. DKK
Boligselskabet Sjælland 0,11 mio. DKK 0,13 mio. DKK