EVergreen - Quick Charge

The objective is to develop a QuickCharge (QC) charging post for electrical vehicles to complete the

EVergreen (EVG) product range. The EVG QC will follow the CHAdeMO standard, prepared for EU

COMBO and suits specific OEM requirements - credit card and SMS payment. Charging is both instant

and intelligent, hence EVG QC is fully SmartGrid prepared.

Project description

The need of fast charging is considered of high importance, which has been clear during the current

EVergreen project. The market needs both AC chargers for domestic, semi-public and public use, in the

use cases where the e-vehicle is parked more than a few hours, and QC for the charging situation where

time is an important factor. The requirements of the e-vehicle owners transform from local transportation

needs into the situation where the e-vehicles are to be used in any situation where transport is required,

which both is to travel in the local area as well as to travel long distance.

Public QC chargers typically have a nominal power of 50 kW, which add significant peak load on the

electrical grid, whereas the aim of the EVG QC is to deliver a range from 20 kW to 50kW, according to the

actual charging need versus investment for the single charging post versus load on the grid.

Strategic goals of the EVG QC project:

•Develop the EVG QC which will support the strategy of having e-vehicles implemented hence a CO2


•Support the e-vehicle from being the secondary vehicle to be the primary vehicle, as with efficient fast

chargers, the range of the vehicles becomes unlimited

Practical goals of the project are to:

•Reuse of the existing EVergreen development

•Survey of the user’s needs and the business model for QC charging

•Develop a competitive QC charger according to CHAdeMO

•OEM QC charger

•Investigate J1772 COMBO plugs to meet the future standards

Specific development to be done and tasks solved by each party during the EVG QC project:

Vikingegaarden is project manager and assures all functionality from the different partners and standards

will function on the EVG chargers. Development of DC charger and CHAdeMO/COMBO communication

protocol. VG will join the CHAdeMO organization to get access to standards.

ECOmove will implement QC/CHAdeMO charging in the vehicle. Explore value and the benefit of non-

CHAdeMO charging.

Banke will implement QC/CHAdeMO charging in the battery-hydraulic drive for the garbage trucks. Explore

value and the benefit of non-CHAdeMO charging, which in Banke case is sequential intelligent charging of

multiple vehicles from one charging EVG QC post.

Mannov is an experienced PR company and is responsible for communicating all results to the market,

ensuring the foundation for the future sales of the charging posts.

Ramboll Management will assure that everything regards user and customer surveys are qualified and

taken into consideration when designing the system.

High level of reuse of the already developed EVergreen technology:

-Middle ware. The “brain” of the EVergreen linking communication with the balance responsible party, spot

prices, C02, control of charging posts and data stored for historical analysis

-TipCharge. Web site and smartphone app. User interface to see consumption, historical data and general

usage of the chargers

-Charging post cabinet, communication and control system

Key figures

2013 - 2015
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
3.14 mio. DKK
4.70 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
60 %
Project budget:
7.84 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
EVergreen - Quick Charge
Case no.


VIKINGEGAARDEN A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
VIKINGEGAARDEN A/S 3,23 mio. DKK 2,16 mio. DKK
Banke Accessory Drives (Banke ApS) 0,58 mio. DKK 0,39 mio. DKK
ECOMOVE ApS 0,67 mio. DKK 0,45 mio. DKK
Mannov A/S 0,22 mio. DKK 0,15 mio. DKK