EMoCrane – Energy efficient mobile cranes

The EMoCrane purpose is to develop and test an energy efficient modularized and battery powered electrichydraulic

device applicable for powering truck mounted cranes. Through conversion of high diesel

consumption to electric drive, the solution reduces emissions of CO2, particles and noise from intensively

used heavy duty working vehicles.

Project description

The EMoCrane purpose is to develop and test an energy efficient modularized and battery powered electrichydraulic

device applicable for powering truck mounted cranes. Through conversion of high diesel

consumption to electric drive, the solution reduces emissions of CO2, particles and noise from intensively

used heavy duty working vehicles. The innovative ’plug-and-play’ technology addresses a market where

there is today no effective, reliable and robust battery powered solutions available.

The EMoCrane solution consists of: (1) battery module providing energy for driving the crane functions with

a lithium-ion battery package charged daily in the vehicle garage. Depending on crane working operations,

additional charging is undertaken at the point of operation. The conventional hydraulic coupling of the crane

to the truck engine provides a back-up system; (2) electronic module containing a system of energy

efficient and robust power electronic components for battery charging and the electric drive line; (3)

hydraulic module configured to provide an energy efficient supply of the crane functions through

regeneration of hydraulic energy from crane motions and application of optimized components.

On basis of a strong project partner consortium, the EMoCrane innovation efforts mobilize, combine and

develop competencies regarding: (1) battery driven power take off (E-PTO) concept for equipment on

working vehicles, including lithium-ion battery technology and power electronics components, (2) energy

efficient configuration of hydraulic systems with energy harvesting, (3) logistics operations with truck

mounted cranes.

Development and demonstration work aims at:

• Medio 2013: proof-of-principle prototype constructed and sent for testing

• Ultimo 2013: functional prototype constructed and sent for testing

• Medio 2014 – primo 2016: pilot series of 25 units produced and sent for testing

The ultimate target groups are purchasers of mobile crane services as well as their counter-partnering

mobile crane operators. The solution will provide a significant added customer value by reducing

environmental and climate related impacts, i.e. reduction in emissions of CO2, particles and noise. By

application of the battery powered electric-hydraulic solution, an estimated 40-80% of fuel consumption of

truck mounted crane vehicles can be saved and converted to cheaper use of electricity, implying a

commercial basis for technology investment, and an estimated payback period of 3-5 years. This will also

improve environmental and work-related conditions related to mobile crane operations.

A potential market for the EMoCrane electric-hydraulic solution of 1500 units per year is estimated,

implying an annual turnover in the range of 450-750 million DKK. The business model is to produce a

modularized ‘plug-and-play’ solution that can be integrated into manufacturing processes of leading mobile

crane OEM’s, thereby attaining economies of scale advantages.

Key figures

2013 - 2016
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
5.68 mio. DKK
5.56 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
49 %
Project budget:
11.24 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
EMoCrane – Energieffektive mobile kraner
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.



Banke Accessory Drives (Banke ApS) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Banke Accessory Drives (Banke ApS) 2,37 mio. DKK 2,37 mio. DKK
Danfoss A/S 1,20 mio. DKK 2,81 mio. DKK
Syddansk Universitet 1,99 mio. DKK 0,50 mio. DKK