IEA Task 32: Biomass Combustion and Co-firing. Danish representation 2013-2015

The project covers activities in 2013-2015 as national representative in IEA Bioenergy Agreement, Tast 32

Biomass Combustion and Co-firing. 

Objectives for the work in Task 32 are a.o:

. stimulation of the production of bioenergy by strengthening the dissemination of information on technical

  and non-technical barriers as well as proven solutions for co-firing biomass in power plant and as dedicated

  biomass in smaller scale systems

. improved networking through co-operation in projects across the other IEA tasks and common activities

  with other international networks

. creating policy recommendations for increased biomass utilization and reduced fossil fuel dependency as

  part of climate change policies - based on the strong technical and industrial profile of the group.

The project covers activities in 2013-2015 as national representative in IEA Bioenergy Agreement, Tast 32 Biomass Combustion and Co-firing. Objectives for the work in Task 32 are a.o: stimulation of the production of bioenergy by strengthening the dissemination of information on technical and non-technical barriers as well as proven solutions for co-firing biomass in power plant and as dedicated biomass in smaller scale systems. improved networking through co-operation in projects across the other IEA tasks and common activities with other international networks. Creating policy recommendations for increased biomass utilization and reduced fossil fuel dependency as part of climate change policies - based on the strong technical and industrial profile of the group.
Project description

The group covers combustion technology for solid biomass fuels (with most focus on wood) from very small plants for private heating

with firewood or wood pellets over industrial scale plants in district heating or industri to power plants, where the mani focus is on

systems for co-firing biomass with fossil fuels primarily coal.

Selected focus areas in this 3-year period are:

1. News combustion technologies with emission close to zero

2. Emission reduction at low cost in small scale systems (wood stoves etc)

3. Fuel flexibility, and at the same time achieving higher steam data and educing slagging problems

4. Torrefaction and other pretreatment of biomass

5. Increased co-firing of biomass and coal in large power stations and in industrial plants e.g. in the cement industry

6. Benchmaking of biomass CHP-plants (where Denmark may preliminary take a leading role).

The induvidual focus areas are targeted though e.g. international expert seminars, and though preparation of surveys,

databases and status reports, which describes technology and present an outlook.

Participating countries in this trienneium: Austria, Denmark, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, Norway,

Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and UK


The project consists of continuation of Danish representation in a high-profile international co-operation on solid biomass for combustion processes. The idea is to gain access to the latest achievements in research, technology developments, markets and international co-operation opportunities. The aim has been reached through participation in IEA Bioenergy Task 32 and through communication of group results including results from the other participating countries.

Key figures

2013 - 2015
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.31 mio. DKK
0.44 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
59 %
Project budget:
0.74 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
IEA Task 32: Biomass Combustion and Co-firing. Dansk repræsentation 2013-2015
Bio and waste
Project type
Case no.


Force Technology (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Force Technology 0,44 mio. DKK 0,31 mio. DKK