Low cost Active House BIPV

A main result of the Low Cost Active House BIPV project is to realise a demonstration campaign with 3 MWp, low cost BIPV solutions in connection to low energy class 2020, energy neutral and plus energy new building and deep renovation, with a focus on electricity savings, performance documentation and the international Active House specifications.

Project description
The Aim of the proposed project is to utilise experiences with promotion of BIPV solutions from already realised EU, EUDP and ForskVE projects including the still ongoing ForskVE projects BIPV Quality Cities and PV Active Roofs and Facades, but as a new thing have an important and new angle, where involved housing associations and cities will go into the realisation of a dedicated campaign concerning the use of BIPV in connection to the possibility to live up to low energy class 2020, zero energy or even plus energy standards of the future and combine this with agreements concerning “performance documentation”, so it is possible to secure a good energy balance in practice both with respect to the actual energy consumption/ solar PV production and the total economy for the users. The results will be disseminated through the national data base for sustainable and energy efficient building in Denmark, administrated by the Danish Association of Sustainable Cities and Buildings, FBBB( www.fbbb.dk ). The aim is to realise 3 MWp BIPV and involve 2000 apartments (500 new build and 1500 deep renovation) together with 30.000- 50.000 m2 building area in cooperation with Danish cities.

Key figures

2015 - 2018
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
28.61 mio. DKK
5.95 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
17 %
Project budget:
34.56 mio. DKK


Case no.


Poul Erik Lauridsen
Comtact information

Vognporten 2

2620 Albertslund