Technical certification of wind turbines - 2014

To be able to install wind turbines and for these to operate in Denmark or in Danish waters, they must be certified and serviced in accordance with the technical certification scheme for wind turbines, see. Order no. 73 of 25 January 2013 and the attached instructions. The Danish Energy Agency's Secretariat for Wind turbines aim is to administer and oversee the compliance with the Regulations. The Secretariat also handles the maintenance of the technical certification basis, including the coordination of standardization.

Project description

Technical Certification Scheme aims to ensure that wind turbines and their foundations are designed, constructed, installed and maintained in accordance with the requirements set out in Executive Order no. 73 of 25 January 2013 on technical certification scheme for wind turbines.

To attend to the administration and maintenance of the technical certification scheme for wind turbines, including the coordination of standardization is "Energy Agency's Secretariat for Windmills" created. The Secretariat also acts as an information and knowledge center for the certification system for wind turbines. The Secretariat is located at DTU Wind Energy Campus.

The tasks in 2014 included the following main areas:

1. General operational, guides, information on the system, etc.

2. Approval and follow-up services in the service scheme

3. Follow-up on accidents and phasing out of old mills

4. Approval and type certification of small wind turbines with a rotor area of ​​200 m2 or less

5. Design and validation of database the certification system of CRM

6. Technical assistance to the DEA

7. General standardization work

Key figures

2014 - 2015
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.00 mio. DKK
3.21 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
100 %
Project budget:
3.21 mio. DKK


Project type
Case no.



Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) 3,21 mio. DKK