Demonstration of a new full scale technological concept that combines a closed loop piping system connected to an underground rainwater harvesting unit

The project will demonstrate and document to what extent an underground, closed loop piping system connected to an underground rainwater harvesting unit is more effective than a traditional ground-water heat pump system and a system with a traditional rainwater harvesting tank. The concept will support local/regional climate change strategies.

Project description

The project topic is‘geothermal energy and heat pumps’ as part of the programme ‘System integration’.

The project’s objective is to demonstrate a new full scale technological concept to obtain increased energy efficiency using ground-water heat pump systems in buildings. The concept combines an underground, closed loop piping system connected to an underground rainwater harvesting unit filled with water absorbing mineral wool, specially developed for this purpose. Rainwater from the building is led to the unit with the integrated underground pipes leading to increased energy efficiency of the heat pump.

The project will provide documentation of the level of energy efficiency provided, compared to a traditional ground-water heat pump system and a system including a traditional (sand/gravel based) rainwater harvesting tank. Furthermore, the project will establish a qualified basis for dimensioning full-scale systems based on this new concept.

It is a two-year project, starting February 2016. Main Work Packages (WP) are:
WP1: Project Management, reporting and dissemination
WP2: Dimensioning and installation of test facilities
WP3: Test and demonstration of underground, closed loop piping system connected to an underground rainwater harvesting unit
Results of test and demonstration will be crucial for further exploitation and the marketing strategy for the solution.

Key figures

2016 - 2018
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
1.58 mio. DKK
1.57 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
51 %
Project budget:
3.08 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Demonstration af nyt fuldskala teknologisk koncept med en kombineret jordvarmeslange- og faskineløsning
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.



ROCKWOOL A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
ROCKWOOL A/S 0,30 mio. DKK 0,45 mio. DKK
Insero A/S 0,86 mio. DKK 0,86 mio. DKK
Vølund varmeteknik A/S 0,18 mio. DKK 0,18 mio. DKK
Professionshøjskolen VIA University College 0,22 mio. DKK 0,02 mio. DKK


Arne Kraglund
Comtact information

Hovedgaden 584

2640 Hedehusene