PV owners motivation and practice as prosumers

Private PV ownership challenges the balance of the power grid, but can potentially also help to engage consumers in flexible consumption when they produce their own energy and become "prosumers". Sociological analyzes can contribute with significant knowledge to grid companies and their development of the grid  and with input to PV policy

Project description
A continued spread of PV is both desirable and likely, however, it will also have profound implications for the balance of the power grid. It is often assumed that when consumers produce their own energy and become "prosumers", they also change attitude and energy behavior. With continued expansion of renewable energy in the energy-system, flexible consumption becomes still more important and this can come from consumers adjusting their consumption to their own PV production and possible battery storage. The project will test the hypothesis if prosumers are an important path to engage households, opposite an argument that flexibility is best achieved on the production side. The project will provide quantitative and qualitative sociological analyzes of consumers who purchase PVs, and what impact it will have on household's consumption profile, load profile and attitudes to energy system. By differentiating between different types of consumers and by making analyzes within a sociological approach it will obtain new knowledge which can be used to suggest policies for PV ownership and flexible consumption and in relation to the continued development of the power grid. This knowledge will also be used in development of the market relationship between grid companies and consumers.

Key figures

2016 - 2020
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.50 mio. DKK
2.29 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
82 %
Project budget:
2.78 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Solcelleejeres motivation og adfærd som prosumers
Case no.



Aalborg Universitet (Fredrik Bajers Vej) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
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