True-to-Nature lnsoluble Chromogenic Biomass (ICB) Substrates for Cost-

Current state-of-the -art enrym screening assays such as AZCL subtrates are designed to analyse enzyme or culture performance on substrates based on purified purepolysaccharides. Because of that they can only provide an approximate picture of an enzyme's pereformance in biomass.

GlycoSpot has developed a range of new true-to-nature substrates for screening biomass quality and carbohydrate active enzymes' performance in biomass degradation in proJuction of 2nd generation (2G) bio-ethanol :

  • Insoluble Chromogenic Biomass substrates (ICB)
  • The ICB substrates are synthetic variants of popular biomass types synthesized from raw plant material, chemically dyed in and modified rendering them chromogenic and insoluble, while maintaining resemblance with the original material.

The substrates are integrated with an industry standard 96-well filter plate format into a highthrough-put, easy to use enzyme-screening kit. Customers can utilize their standard laboratry equipment when using Glycospot kits, thus minimizing their switching cost. The objective of the project is to finalise the development of the ICB substrates so that they are ready for market introduction upon project termination. In order to do that, we need to:

  • Develop the method for substrate preparation further in order to maintain the content andquality of the chemical groups in the plant cell walls as close to the original biomass as possible.
  • Identift the most relevant biomass types for standardized sales
  • Prepare for large batch production

Project description
Nationalandinternationalpoliciesforincreasedindependen.yine greenhouse gas emissions support the creation of a market for 2nd generation (2G) bio-ethanol. However, production is not yet cost-effective and producers demand technologies to help reduce
production costs and increase energy yield from biomass. Enzymes are indispensable in bioethanol production and constitute a major cost. Better screening of enzyme performance in biomass degradation will lead to higher exploitation of known biomass
energy sources, lower production costs, and faster identification of potential new biomass as energy sources.
Biomass and crops used for 2G bio-ethanol such as sugarcane bagasse, wheat and rice straw, and residues from forestry Qignocellulosic biomass) consist of multiple polysaccharides entangled in complex structures. They do not contain readily available sugars but have high concentrations of lignocelluloses, celluloses, and some also starch. They have to undergo pre-treatment and enzymatic hydrolysis processes in order to obtain sugars that can be converted into ethanol but the complex structures inhibits enzyme performance and makes choice and dosage of enzymes crucial in order to obtain maximum energy yield and minimize costs

Key figures

2017 - 2019
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
2.18 mio. DKK
3.76 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
63 %
Project budget:
5.93 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Naturtro uoploselig kromogen Biomasse Substrater til omkostningseffektiv 2.
Bio and waste
Project type
Case no.



GlycoSpot (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
GlycoSpot 3,17 mio. DKK 2,11 mio. DKK
NMBU 0,59 mio. DKK 0,07 mio. DKK


Thomas Lacentra
Comtact information

Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg C