New shrimp vessel with half the energyconsumption

The scope of the project is to work with all components of energy utilization on the vessel in order to create a new concept of a shrimp trawler in the Wadden Sea.The new concept will target replacement of a large part of the present fleet of 450 vessels. The scope of development is to reduce profit to half and hence double profits of the shrimp trawlers. As fuel is the most important cost factor energy consumption is essential to reduce cost.

The project will address all important categories of energy consumption on the vessel, but in particular the following will be important:

  • The shape of the hull will be optimized in order to allow for two propellers instead of one. Establish the optimal shape of the hull taking into account the use of the vessel (steaming time><fishing time).

  • Optimize fuel consumption by using two big propellers instead of one small.

  • Optimize energy consumption by using a hydro electric hybrid propulsion system if profitable.

  • Optimize the catch per hour and the drag of the gear. The gear consist of two small beam trawls. Their size are fixed by regulation. Catch optimization must therefore target catch efficiency and drag of trawl and beam.

No detection of shrimp can be done by electronic means. The project intends to develop a system with continuous harvesting. This will allow the skipper to pursue the catchopportunities as they appear rather than when the trawl is taken on board.

The drag from the trawl will be reduced by using a thinner and stronger material in the net as is presently the case. The trawl is presently spread by a 1,4 t iron bar. The project will replace this by a hydrodynamic wing instead.

  • The catch is frozen on board. The project will use the surplus heat from the engine to cut freezing costs.

Once the results are demonstrated this information will be used in a targeted information campaign to the relevant fishermen along the North Sea coast.

Project description

The scope of the project is to construct a new prototype of a vessel specialized in fishing shrimps in the Wadden Sea. The prototype should be able to reduce the most important cost factor – energy – with at least 50 % compared to a relatively new state of the art vessel.

The reduction of fuelconsumption will be achieved by a combination of the following measures:

  • Two big propellers instead of one small.

  • A diesel hybrid engine that can use batteries and an electrictric engine for part of the operations.

  • An aero- and hydrodynamic hull.

  • New Fishing gear produced in Dyneema that is 10 times as strong (thinner twine, less drag) as the traditional material used in trawls (polyethylene).

A new wing will be developed. This wing will replace the presently used 10 m long and 1,4 t heavy metallic pipes (so-called beams). Further Dyneema replace Polyethylene in the trawl.

The expected result of the project is a doubling of the profits of the vessel – and better for the older vessels in the fleet.

These result will be used in a targeted information campaign directed at the about 450 vessels in this segment of the fleet.

Key figures

2018 - 2020
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
7.95 mio. DKK
8.96 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
53 %
Project budget:
16.92 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Prototype på nyt rejefartøj med halvering af energiforbrug
Energy efficiency
Case no.


Vestværftet (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Vestværftet 7,01 mio. DKK 7,01 mio. DKK
HK Esbjerg ApS 0,46 mio. DKK 0,31 mio. DKK
Sydvestjysk Fiskeriforening 0,08 mio. DKK 0,05 mio. DKK
Aalborg Universitet (Fredrik Bajers Vej) 0,65 mio. DKK 0,07 mio. DKK
Aquamind A/S 0,76 mio. DKK 0,51 mio. DKK