IEA-HIA Task 39 (Participation in IEA Task 39 Hydrogen in the maritime)

Technology Solutions

The project includes two annual meetings of the working group, where information and ideas are exchanged. BPSE will share the information form the work in IEA-Task 39 in relevant meeting in maritime community and in the hydrogen and fuel cell community in Denmark. BPSE plan to arrange a yearly meeting on the subjects covered by the work in IEA – Task 39. At other relevant events like the yearly meeting in Hydrogen Denmark and events arranged by EUDP BPSE will present results from the work in IEA – Task 39. Two to three presentations pr. year is expected.

Project description
Participation in IEA-HIA Task 39 working group for hydrogen in maritime transport provides a good platform to gain insight into activities in the field worldwide. BPSE works among other things with development of fuel cell products within the transport sector, where maritime transport has BPSE’s interest to develop and deliver fuel cell products. Participating in Task 39 will strengthen the companies relevant international network and provide insight into the market in other countries. Participation will be a good platform for greater international cooperation both professionally and commercially. The insight gained will be beneficial for the Danish maritime community as BPSE will present information and findings form the activities in the Task 39 at a number of Danish events. BPSE is pursuing integration of hydrogen and fuel cells in ships and in that context work with the Danish maritime community.

Key figures

2018 - 2020
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.31 mio. DKK
0.21 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
40 %
Project budget:
0.51 mio. DKK


Brint and fuelcells
Project type
Case no.



Ballard Europe (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Ballard Europe 0,21 mio. DKK 0,31 mio. DKK


Rasmus Gyldenøhr
Comtact information

Majsmarken 1

9500 Hobro

8843 7700