Ecodrying Biorefining equipment

The purpose of developing a small scale version of the Ecodrying Bio-refining plant is to ease the handling of horse manure for individual properties keeping horses and to turn their horse manure into green energy rather than an environmental resource impact.

The purpose for the customer of investing in an Ecodrying Biorefinery plant is to avoid having a horse manure heap and, moreover, these bio refinery plants can produce heating for all customers premises. This means that the customer avoids purchasing fuel such as wood pellets, straw or oil. In short, the customers use their own horse manure heaps for heating, which they process using their bio refinery plant. Once the horse manure has been processed in the Biorefinery Plant and has been turned into bimass, it is combusted in their Ecodrying Boiler.

Today, Ecodrying A/S manufactures larger-scale biorefinery plants for horse manure which are well-suited for stud farms with large numbers of horse, e.g. from 25 to 500 horses. However, Ecodrying A/S, has learnt that properties with 2 to 25 horses experience as significant challenges with their horse manure as large stud farms. For this reason alone, it makes good sense to continue the development of Ecodrying’s large-scale biorefinery plants, which today are sold to stud farms in Denmark and Germany and will soon be exported to all of Europe. This development from large biorefinery plants to smaller farm biorefinery plants would create more jobs in Denmark, have a position impact on the environment and increase exports.

An Ecodrying Biorefinery Plant converts horse manure into biomass. This is done using new technology which is patented in both Denmark and Europe. However, it should be noted that there is a possibility of entering other agricultural areas with different animal stock. In other words, there is a potentially wide ranging market.

Project description

The aim of the project is to convert horse manure into biofuel. Not only to allow the big stud farms to use the Ecodrying`s bio refinery. But also to allow anyone keeping only a few horses to utilize their horse manure and covert this into heating in an environmentally friendly and energy friendly manner. Today, Ecodrying A/S, manufactures and develops bio refineries for large stud farms keeping from 25 horses upwards.

However, while we have been on the market, we have experienced that customers keeping fewer horses show great interest in our product, but the requirement for investment and the need for adequate space and enough horse manure do not allow out future customers to invest in these large bio refineries. Therefore, developing and manufacturing mini bio refineries is optimum for Ecodrying. This would allow anyone keeping only a few horses the opportunity to make the investment, find the space and utilize their own horse manure for heating and, thus be able to heat all their buildings with the result that external energy sources would become unnecessary. This would benefit our environment and be based only on green energy this is our reason for seeking a grant to develop the very small bio refineries for farms.

In Denmark alone, there are approx. 200,000 horses, all of which generate manure. It is costly to discard this. However, it must be said that Ecodrying has also started selling in Germany, Norway and Sweden. Our unique value proposition entails, 1: fully automated operation with high security and easy connection. 2: 100% savings on fuel for the heating of buildings. 3: eco-friendly process with 100% resource cycle through the recycling of both biomass, ash and evaporated water. 4: easy and simple handling of horse manure without odors or pests.

The project develops a small-scale bio refinery, for the converting and burning of biomass in the form of horse manure from horse stables. The bio refinery is both versatile and flexible in format and the idea is based on full recyclability in a green cycle. In total, the bio refinery can provide significant annual savings in the elimination of the need for dunghill removal, for procuring fuel for a boiler and for procuring fertilizers.

Key figures

2020 - 2022
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
1.21 mio. DKK
2.17 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
64 %
Project budget:
3.37 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Ecodrying Bioraffineringsanlæg
Bio and waste
Case no.


Ecodrying A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Ecodrying A/S 1,74 mio. DKK 1,16 mio. DKK
Aarhus Universitet 0,43 mio. DKK 0,05 mio. DKK


Kristian Trolle Rosenkilde
Comtact information

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Telefon: 26292559

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