Continued active Danish participation in IEA TCP HEV 2020-2022 (Hybrid and electric transport)

The project is of the project type: "International cooperation under the IEA". The main activities will be the following:

  • Participation in the biannual IEA TCP HEV ExCo meetings, Task 1 Country information dissemination meetings and related meetings as the Danish representative. These meetings are usually clustered in 2 main events per year.
  • Give a presentation at the biannual Task 1 meetings on a Danish status on HEV transport
  • Write and coordinate the Danish chapter to the HEV TCP Annual Report, including yearly reporting of data on stock and new sales of vehicles (cars, vans, trucks etc), ships (harbor busses, ferries etc), bicycles and charging infrastructure
  • Update and maintain the Danish part of the HEV TCP webpage, including Danish cases and projects
  • Facilitate Danish industry and academia participation in relevant running tasks
  • Distribute presentations and information from the meetings to Danish stakeholders
  • Facilitate Danish Energy Agency on insights, data and contacts from other countries on HEV transport technologies and policies and measures
  • Facilitate bilateral dialogue between Danish stakeholders and Tasks about participation

Project description
The purpose of the project is to continue the active Danish participation and representation in the IEA TCP HEV, which works with hybrid and electric transport. This includes facilitating Danish dissemination of knowledge about the HEV technology development and other countries' policies and measures, as well as the opportunities to reduce environmental and climate impacts from an increasingly electrified transport sector. It is also an objective of the project to secure that interested Danish companies and academia can participate in relevant technical working groups (so-called tasks). Denmark has strong positions in relation to production, integration and use of fluctuating VE in the energy system, as well as in relation to the integration of electric vehicles and their mobile energy storage into the energy utilization and electricity supply (called Vehicle Grid Integration/VGI, formerly Vehicle to grid / V2G / V2X, etc.). With electric transport globally becoming a maturing and commercial technology with sales figures for electric cars doubling annually, focus on electricity supply of the transport sector and intelligent utilization of mobile batteries storage capacity will increase, also to reduce infrastructure costs and support integration of fluctuating RE electricity production from wind and sun etc. In the next years a range of large car manufacturing companies will introduce a variety of electric car models with longer driving range, lower prices, faster charging, etc. Also, the sales of electric vans and buses are increasing, while electric powered trucks, ships and airplanes for shorter distances will still be in the development stage. Furthermore, IEA TCP HEV (and Denmark) contributes annually to data collected from participating countries on stock and new sales of electric vehicles, charging infrastructure and policies and measures. Data and knowledge from this are included in a number of international and global publications on the status of electricity-driven technology and development in stocks and new sales. One of the IEA's main publications, Global EV Outlook, is an example of this.

Key figures

2020 - 2022
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.24 mio. DKK
0.36 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
60 %
Project budget:
0.60 mio. DKK


Project type
Case no.


Heliac (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Heliac 0,36 mio. DKK 0,24 mio. DKK


Michael Rask
Comtact information

Savsvinget 4D
2970 Hørsholm

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