Liftra installationscrane LT1500


The scope of this project is to develop a crane that can install a complete turbine with a hub height of 250m. The turbine can be installed in less than 2 days and the weight of the crane is less than 80 ton and the crane can be moved between turbines in a few hours. 

Project description

The objective of this project is to develop a new Liftra Self-Hoisting Crane (LSHC) that can install a full wind turbine generator - the Liftra Turbine Installation Crane (TIC). The TIC provides similar business advantages as the previous LSHC solutions, as it addresses the same issue; as the hub height of new wind turbines is steadily increasing, crane costs for installation and maintenance are rising exponentially. Conventionally, in order to reach components inside the wind turbine, a large, temporary crane structur is built right next to it. In contrast, the samller LSHC systems eliminate win turbine height as a factor, as they gain height by climbing to the top of the turbine to reach the components inside. 

However, while the incentive for the TIC is identical to that of previous LSHC technologies, the crane itself is vastly different. Si it its actual capabilities and functionality. By utilizing a flange design on the tower sections, the TIC can install and climb each new section and effectively erect a full tower with no external lifting equipment. As it sits at the top of one tower section, it can lift up the next section from the ground, place it on the top, and than climb the newly installed piece. This process is repeated until the crane's height limit of 250 meters is reached. Then, once all tower sections have been installed, the TIC can hoist the full nacelle and rotor in single lifts of up to 100 tons. Ultimately, this eliminates any need for a large conventional crane when erecting wind turbines. 

Key figures

2020 - 2023
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
17.38 mio. DKK
9.36 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
35 %
Project budget:
26.74 mio. DKK


Case no.


LIFTRA ApS (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
LIFTRA ApS 9,36 mio. DKK 17,38 mio. DKK


Per Eske Fenger
Comtact information

Stationsmestervej 81
9200 Aalborg SV
Tlf.: 22446917

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