Development of Intelligent solar lighting system

Street lighting accounts for approximately 25% of public energy budgets, in modern cities around the world
including Denmark. Due to the significant proportion of a public energy budget dedicated to street lighting,
more energy efficient and smarter street lighting provides an opportunity to significantly reduce cost and
environmental impact associated with powering such infrastructure.
In Denmark there are several challenges to developing a robust solar powered street lighting system able to
sustain the required lux output on medium to high traffic roads 365 days a year, as solar resource is
significantly reduced 3-4 months a year.
We intend to create an autonomous solar powered lighting solution able to fulfill lux requirements on Danish
roads 365 days a year and which can function reliably in both Danish and international climates.

Project description
The intent is to develop and demonstrate an autonomous solar powered lighting solution able to fulfill lux
requirements on Danish roads 365 days a year and which can function reliably in both Danish and
international climates.
The program has been divided into 5 major areas;
1/. Energy conversion; during low light instances. The current DC/DC conversion will be improved to
increase energy production in low light instances, and provide an overall increase in energy harvesting
capabilities. This will be accomplished by optimizing charge control electronics in several areas including
enabling Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) for all PV panel surfaces. For this task a DTU patent
licensed by partner Nordic Firefly will be applied in a new non-trivial proprietary 7-port charge control
2/. Energy generation; expanding the dynamic range beyond what is found in current PV panels today.
We will leverage new innovations within PV cells expanding on the dynamic range they absorb light from.
We will design, prototype and test a new PV panel. This will bring our PV panels closer to ‘full spectrum’
which is the ‘holy grail’ for PV panels. Such panels do not exist today for street lights and must be
developed from the ground up. Moreover, other innovations to expand/free the absorber area will be
leveraged and a proprietary electrical conductor design will also be developed, connected over/under the
cells, to further enhance energy harvesting capabilities.
3/. Energy storage; both reliable and efficient electric energy storage is necessary to compensate for the
gaps between incident sunlight and required power as well as to withstand rough environmental conditions.
The latest battery and capacitor technologies will be opposed to each other and evaluated for possible
hybridization. Project partner Nerve Smart Systems will develop a tailored management system for the
electric energy storage system, based on its patented, newly developed Nerve Switch, which allows for
extended efficiency/lifetime, and increased flexibility to adapt to charge control MPPT’s.
4/. Light delivery; in accordance with lux-requirements (super optimized LED luminaire and optics).
A new modular luminaire will be developed with leading LED chips/optics. The optics platform will be
swappable enabling different light profiles. Further, new PCB design innovations will be applied. The target
is to create a luminaire, with more than 220 lux per watt output, which does not exist today.
5/. Monitoring and intelligence; providing the right light at the right time while conserving energy.
We will develop a monitoring platform with sensors (hardware) and also implement machine learning
(software) by creating intelligent algorithms capable of identifying humans (cars, cycles, pedestrians vs.
animal etc.) and only dim the lights up/down when human objects pas by the lamp.

Key figures

2020 - 2021
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
5.95 mio. DKK
8.05 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
58 %
Project budget:
14.00 mio. DKK


Project type
Case no.


Living Energy Lighting ApS (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Living Energy Lighting ApS 2,02 mio. DKK 2,02 mio. DKK
Nordic Firefly A/S 1,84 mio. DKK 1,84 mio. DKK
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) 1,57 mio. DKK 0,18 mio. DKK
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) 1,12 mio. DKK 0,18 mio. DKK
Force Technology 0,48 mio. DKK 0,72 mio. DKK
Nerve Smart Systems ApS 1,02 mio. DKK 1,02 mio. DKK


Jørgen Laustsen
Comtact information

Frederiksborgvej 399
Postnr.: 4000

Telefon: 26718673

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