Advanced fan blade design for greener energy production and consumption

To develop the future state of the art blade design in terms efficiency and low noise for fans used in commercial refrigeration including smart technology.

To develop a preliminary high-fidelity tool on implementation and effect of porous media on fan blade design includes the consideration of different grades of material porosity and permeability.

Project description
Fan systems are incorporated in the cooling systems of wind turbines. In addition, fan systems play an important part of society’s energy consumption. Around 10% of total electricity consumption in US and EU relate to fans driven by electrical motors. The efficiency trend is led by the EU Commissions emphasis on Eco Design covering also fans driven by electrical motors through EU Directive 327/2011. 14% in savings on fan electricity consumption is expected when EU directive 327/2011 is fully realized and an additionally 6% when a revision of the regulation is implemented expected by 2023. There is still a considerable saving potential as the Eco design directive part covering fans does not take into consideration the saving potential from the use of speed control / smart fans. Furthermore, US states are beginning to look into implementing minimum fan efficiency requirements. Although, there is an attractive and growing market for efficient and low noise fans, realizing the full potential will require more energy efficient, more resource efficient, more low noise, durable and cost-effective fan blades that is optimized for the use of smart technology.

Key figures

2020 - 2024
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.00 mio. DKK
8.46 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
100 %
Project budget:
8.46 mio. DKK


Energy efficiency
Case no.


Multi Wing (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Multi Wing 3,54 mio. DKK
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) 4,91 mio. DKK


Gabriel M. Hernandez
Comtact information

Staktoften 16,
2950 Vedbæk
Tlf.: +45 45890133   

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