Flow Loop retrofit energy-saving shower system

Flow Loop is a retrofit shower panel that reduces energy consumption without compromising comfort and actually improves the shower experience by increasing the flow of water. The panel filters, purifies and recirculates shower water, thereby saving up to 85% of the energy - and with easy installation in existing bathrooms.

Project description

In Western Europe showering accounts for 25% of household heating energy consumption. The energy used to heat the water goes down the drain with the water.

Flow Loop is a retrofit shower panel that reduces energy consumption without compromising comfort and actually improves the shower experience by increasing the flow of water. The panel filters, purifies and recirculates shower water, thereby saving up to 85% of the energy - and with easy installation in existing bathrooms.

The previous versions of the prototype have been used to prove the concept and validate the idea. The time has now come to:

Develop critical components to industry grade:

  • a fully automatic drain cover solution,
  • a self-cleaning durable filter solution that reduces maintenance cost,
  • a low-cost retrofit shower panel cabinet solution including an electronic monitoring system to illustrate obtained savings to the customer.

The success criteria for the project is to demonstrate the functionality, performance and durability over a period of 6 months at representatives of the 4 target groups being hotels, workplaces, health & fitness industry and housing associations and thereby provided Flow Loop with sufficient decision-making material to decide on the optimal commercialintroduction and scaling.

To go from proof of concept to proof of product by validating our solution during 6 months pilot project hosted by first customers. In other words we develop a recycling shower that can be installed in existing bathrooms a low cost saving up to 85% energy. We will test our product during 6 months pilot project in collaboration with our first customers.

Key figures

2020 - 2023
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
3.50 mio. DKK
6.17 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
64 %
Project budget:
9.67 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Flow Loop retrofit energibesparende brusersystem
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.


Flow Loop ApS (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Flow Loop ApS 3,90 mio. DKK 2,60 mio. DKK
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) 0,43 mio. DKK 0,05 mio. DKK
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) 0,27 mio. DKK 0,03 mio. DKK
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) 0,27 mio. DKK 0,03 mio. DKK
IPU 0,71 mio. DKK 0,47 mio. DKK
Schæffergården (Best Western Hotels) 0,18 mio. DKK 0,27 mio. DKK


Troels Grene
Comtact information

Gydevang 4B, 3450 Allerød

+0045 20630297

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