HVACO2 – Air handling unit with reversible CO2 heat pump

Køle- og Varmepumpeteknik

Development of a new energy efficient air handling unit with heat recovery and reversible heat pump technology using the natural refrigerant CO2 for the HVAC market. High ambient models will feature ejector technology, and it is expected that the unit can achieve an overall efficiency improvement of 25 % compared to products on the market today.

Project description

The HVACO2 project aims to develop a new energy efficient air handling unit with heat recovery and reversible heat pump technology using the natural refrigerant CO2 for the HVAC market. Today, only a few HVAC solutions with natural refrigerants are available in the market despite an increasing demand for sustainable solutions for the building stock and an increased commercial value in sustainable building improvements. The HVACO2 project will optimize the air handling unit by the development of a circuit design with ejector, benefitting the operation in warmer climates and thereby expanding the export potential. The project will develop new technology introduced in a model range with excellent performance enabling the lowering of the seasonal energy consumption for heating and cooling of the fresh air supply by approximately 25 % compared to the products available today. The market for HVAC solutions is huge and air-conditioning alone is estimated to account for 10 % of the global electricity use. The air handling unit with reversible heat pump using CO2 as refrigerant is expected to achieve significant market shares contributing considerably to the phase out of fossil fuels.

Key figures

2021 - 2024
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
3.69 mio. DKK
3.01 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
45 %
Project budget:
6.70 mio. DKK


Energy efficiency
Elektrificering Energieffektivisering Varme og køling
Project type
Case no.


Teknologisk Institut (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Teknologisk Institut 1,45 mio. DKK 2,18 mio. DKK
Unic Air ApS 0,92 mio. DKK 0,62 mio. DKK
Carel Nordic AB 0,24 mio. DKK 0,36 mio. DKK
DEAS 0,08 mio. DKK 0,11 mio. DKK
Thermal Transfer Technology Ltd 0,11 mio. DKK 0,11 mio. DKK
Dorin 0,14 mio. DKK 0,21 mio. DKK
Shecco 0,07 mio. DKK 0,10 mio. DKK


Christian Heerup
Comtact information

Gregersensvej 1,
2630 Taastrup
Tlf.: 72202000

Contact email