IEA 4E EMSA – Continuing the Danish participation in EMSA

Energieffektivisering & Ventilation

The main purpose of 4E EMSA is to ensure energy savings in rotating machines by optimizing demands for energy performance, optimizing standards, and optimizing use of materials etc. In all contexts especially by looking at the entire system as well as components.

Project description

This project ensures the continued participation of Denmark in the International cooperation for electric motor systems under the International Energy Agency, IEA: 4E EMSA (Electric Motor Systems Annex) in which Denmark has been a key partner since the beginning in 2009.

The goal of the Electric Motor Systems Annex EMSA, is to increase energy efficiency and reduce green-house gas emissions worldwide by promoting highly efficient electric motor systems in the EMSA member countries, in industrialized countries as well as in emerging economies and developing countries. Participating countries within EMSA are currently: Australia, Austria, Denmark, European Commission, Nether-lands, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland & USA.

The Danish contribution to 4E EMSA will consist of the following headlines:
Project leader on “International Standards” – The work in this task includes participation in IEC working Groups developing testing standards for frequency converters & motors in combination with lab work at Technological Institute.

Project leader on “Testing” – Two round robin exercises have been planned: Air compressors and new technology converters

Project leader on “MST-Tool” – Maintenance and dissemination of The Motor Systems Tool
Participation, writing papers and presenting at the International recognized conferences EEMODS, Motor Summit and Fan 2022.

Key figures

2022 - 2024
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.55 mio. DKK
1.29 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
70 %
Project budget:
1.85 mio. DKK


Project type
Case no.


Teknologisk Institut (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Teknologisk Institut 1,29 mio. DKK 0,55 mio. DKK


Sandie B. Nielsen
Comtact information

Tlf.: +45 7220 2000

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