The Power-to-P technology has disruptive potential. When successful, it will significantly impact the tradi-tional fertilizer supply chain by electrifying and decentralizing the current natural gas dependent heavy industry of phosphoric acid production. It will also cut phosphate rock import to Europe dramatically, cre-ate a new industry in Denmark and Europe, and enable increased growth in bio-sourced energy.
The European fertilizer industry relies heavily on import of phosphate rock and in some cases phosphoric acid (PA) from outside of Europe. Phosphate rock is converted to PA and PA to fertilizer. Natural gas and other fossil fuels are the dominant energy sources in the large-scale PA industry. Power-to-P offers an alternative high-volume route to PA where natural gas/fossil fuels are effectively substituted by green power and phosphate rock by renewable waste sources of phosphorus.
At the same time, biogas is a growing substitute for natural gas in the overall energy mix. Biogas is typically produced from a variety of biomass wastes such as wastewater sewage sludge, organic waste from agri-culture and organic municipal solid waste. Digestion residues contain P in high concentrations, and P being a necessary fertilizer in agriculture, it has been common practice to disperse residues in fields. However, this is increasingly problematic for sewage sludge residues due to pollutants, and e.g. Germany is phasing in a move away from dispersal to incineration with demands of 80% P recovery from ashes. A dosage limit on P that can be added to fields is also challenging dispersal of residues from biogas digestion of certain biowastes from food and agriculture. For this reason and for reasons of gas output optimization, this part of the biogas sector is therefore considering incineration of residues with high-temperature heat recovery for the biogas process, where residues are dried with excess low-temperature heat from digestion to leave a P-rich ash, where P must be converted to PA to re-enter the cycle in a controllable way. Power-to-P does the latter thus improving biogas OPEX, increasing biogas output and enabling growth in the biogas sector.

Project description

The primary project objective is the demonstration of technical as well as economic viability of the Power-to-
P technology in the extraction of phosphorous from ash. The ash origins from the incineration of biogas
Residues (BWA) or sludge from wastewater treatment plants (SSA). The proposed EUDP
project is an experimental development project aimed at bringing the Power-to-P technology from level
TRL4 to level TRL7, while progressively scaling up to a single-module pre-commercial prototype in a real
operational environment with upstream and downstream technology integration and product validation.
Project success criteria are:
1. Demonstration of reliable operations in a real operating environment of a single-module pilot plant.
2. Demonstration of stable interoperability with upstream residues of SSA and BWA.
3. Extraction of min. 80% of P in ashes.
4. PA grades validated for downstream use.
5. Demonstration of the significant positive climate effects of the Power-to-P path to PA.
6. Demonstration of hydrogen gas production/handling and removal of heavy metal pollutants.
7. Dissemination of results.
To sum up as regards support of the EUDP strategy, we point to these focus areas of the strategy:
➢ Focus area 1: More green power – and for more purposes
➢ Focus area 2: Energy efficiency
➢ Focus area 6: Green process energy
➢ Focus area 7: Flexible use of power
Self-sufficiency for P is a policy priority for the EU (EU Action Plan for Critical Raw Materials) as well as for many, if not all, of the EU countries. Recovery of P as part of organic waste valorization in the circular economy is a Danish priority and indeed a national priority in many countries with Germany committing to 80% recovery from sewage sludge in the 2017 amendment to the Sewage Sludge Ordinance. At the EU level the new Circular Economy Action Plan from 2020 prioritizes P recovery within the framework of the Integrated Nutrient Management Plan.

Key figures

2023 - 2025
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
5.04 mio. DKK
8.66 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
63 %
Project budget:
13.71 mio. DKK


Cirkulær økonomi Varme og køling
Project type
Case no.


Clean Matter ApS (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Clean Matter ApS 5,42 mio. DKK 3,61 mio. DKK
LINKA MASKINFABRIK A/S 1,05 mio. DKK 1,05 mio. DKK
Aalborg Universitet (Fredrik Bajers Vej) 1,15 mio. DKK 0,13 mio. DKK
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) 1,05 mio. DKK 0,12 mio. DKK
BIOFOS A/S 0,14 mio. DKK


Thomas Bojesen Eilkær
Comtact information

Adresse: Sandvedvej 59 B

Tlf.: +45 53 53 12 12

Hjemmeside: https://clean-matter.com/

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