How to apply

To apply for funding from the EUDP, submit an application via the application portal.

How to apply  

  1. Applications must be submitted electronically on the Danish Energy Agency's application portal. 

    Applicants must register as users on the portal using MitID Erhverv. The MitID Erhverv issued for the company's CVR number must be used. It is not possible to use a private MitID.

    The application is created and submitted by the main repsonsible. Everyone working on the portal must have a CVR-NemID (employee certificate), either in the form of a key card or key file. The project participant who created the application on the portal is called the Administrator. After creating the application, the administrator can invite other people to access the application and contribute to completing it.
  2. When you set up an application, select a budget/technology area or any earmarked funding.
  3. Next, enter basic information about your project on the portal. For example, title, participants and budget.
  4. Furthermore, attach the annexes listed below. The data entered on the portal and the annexes constitute the overall application. Files with Application form, Project budget and Gantt chart are on this page.
  5. Check the overview of the application shown and correct any deficiencies.
  6. Submit the application and possibly download a PDF file with portal data and a list of the files submitted. No receipt will be sent by email.

Besides portal data, an application includes a number of annexes: 

Download all relevant annexes to EUDP applications here.